My Thyroid Relief

Toxic Secrets Uncovered and Beauty Mysteries Solved

Have you ever heard the saying: “beauty is only skin deep?” The issue is if you take the meaning of this idiom literally, the beauty products that go on our skin sink deeply into the body and can cause irreparable harm to our body’s internal organs. The lengths we put into our beauty regiments are supposed to make us look and feel more vibrant and attractive, right? How can we remain attractive when our endocrine system and our thyroid are being affected by the products that we are using.
When I discovered how toxic some of these products can be because of the chemicals that are used in their material make up, I immediately threw out all of the products that I had when I found out they were extremely disagreeable to my body. When your body is being affected in this way it can cause a plethora of health issues, especially when you already are having serious problems with your body’s functioning already. Knowing that I had Hypothyroidism, I needed more information about the ingredients I was placing on my skin.
There are other options that can easily replace the Beauty products you are using that are destroying your body from the outside in. We have to make sure that the materials we are putting on our skin to make us beautiful, will maintain the beauty that lies within us, inside our bodies. So, grab your beauty products and a trash can, just in case you are using some of these products. Instead of glaring at the back of your makeup, staring with your eyes squinted to analyze the ingredients, I am going to list some of the toxic chemicals so you know what to look for, because sometimes the contaminants do not appear in the ingredients at all.
Don’t be fooled by the beauty industries marketing tactics; the truth is out there, and health concerns that arise when using the chemicals are a reality we have to face, especially concerning the thyroid. After I decided to be rid of all the beauty products that were bringing toxicity into my body and decided to choose Organic Natural makeup, I saw positive changes in my health.

Brand Names You Think You Know

There are so many brand names that we know and love, but when you look under the covers and see their ingredients, you find that you don’t know them anymore. It doesn’t matter the price either. Both the most expensive and the least expensive products can be ridden with danger. Your perception completely changes because they contain toxic chemicals that have harmful effects as they seep into your bloodstream, irritate your skin, cause allergic reactions, and negatively influence your hormones.
Maybelline’s Superstay 16 hour lip color: alumina , parfum, dyes, iron oxide, Isododecane, Propylene carbonate , and Trimethylsiloxysilicate.
Maybelline’s Fit Me Foundation: Octinoxate, three types of parabens, and fragrance.
Loreal Pro-Matte:phenoxyethanol, and two different forms of dimethicone.
Bobby Brown Foundation Stick: has polyethylene and barbasol.
These are just to name a few products; this list of ingredients is not even complete. These are the most harmful chemicals within these products, but most hygiene and makeup products have over 20 ingredients and most of them are not good for you. Let me go into more detail about specific chemicals, the products they are in, and the negativity the toxicity brings to your body.

Heavy Metals in my Lipstick?

The thyroid is a very sensitive gland so, although heavy metal music is okay, heavy metals like Aluminum, Lead, and Mercury need to be avoided because over time these sneaky metallic particles create antibodies that attack your thyroid and make your body susceptible to Autoimmune Diseases. Women happen to be at a higher risk for Graves or Hashimoto Disease so education on these ingredients and their effects is crucial.

The Dangers of Lead and Aluminum

When considering ingredients in your preferred deodorant you need to be on the lookout for Aluminum. In the makeup you use daily, you need to know that while manufacturers are creating colors that make your favorite shadow eye, those companies are inserting heavy metals to make their products instead of keeping it natural. Those sneaky ingredients (some of which I will list and explain below) really negatively affect your internal organs.
Your favorite lipstick can have trace amounts of lead and that can cause your levels of TSH to rise. Your levels of T4 and T3 will drop and we need those levels to be where they are supposed to be because otherwise our thyroid will be attacked causing symptoms to flare up, and possibly another hefty doctor’s bill.
Not only does lead creep into the water we drink and the food we eat, but it is in a variety of the cosmetics tha we use. Because there are aspects to the ingredients of cosmetics that the FDA does not have to approve, lead and aluminum are ingredients in our makeup. Danger amounts of lead are found in lipsticks, lip glosses, eye shadow, blushes, shampoo and body lotion. Hair dye is another culprit as lead acetate is a part of its ingredients.
Surprisingly, It is not just makeup that contains heavy metals either. Be weary of anything that says “fragrance.” That should put a red flag in your head because most of these fragrances are inputted into products and they contain heavy metals. Astonishingly, perfume, dental hygienics, shower and hair products can give your heavy exposure especially because most of these are used directly on the skin which does not have a detoxification process as these metals sink into your body causing disruptions in the bloodstream.
Fragrance is an absolute disaster. If you see the word in any ingredients list you should leap in the opposite direction. Most disturbingly, “fragrance” is an umbrella term where many disastrous ingredients hide. If you see the terms: fragrance, essential oil blend, aroma or perfume, those might be concealing: formaldehyde, titanium dioxide, vinyl acetate, and hundreds more. Being educated on this topic is difficult because some of these ingredients are ultimately completely hidden and that is what companies want. They want to sell instead of educate.
Anything in the bloodstream can affect the thyroid which is what we are seriously trying to steer clear of. We internalize our makeup through inhalation and ingestion so to be super safe look for the “Made Safe” seal because that will lead you to what you can trust. There is a website I left for reference at the bottom. The website will give your examples on products that are concretely safe to use in all categories imaginable, brands they know are safe, and where to buy them. That is how I found most of my regimen.
Doing research on the companies that create your daily regimen will help solve the mystery of the real ingredients they use to make their beautifying materials because they might not be present on the label. Sometimes, the results are not pretty. Make sure to only use labels that release their information to the public so you can make sure that they are not trying to hide anything from you. Some companies don’t care about your health, so you have to! Typically if the products have a “Made Safe” Label they are okay to use.

Beware Cosmetic Chemicals

Chemicals are a nasty disturbance to thyroid function, the endocrine system, our metabolism, and receptors producing hormones. The distress these chemicals have on our hormones directly affect the thyroid. All of these are interconnected and related so discovering the traces amounts of chemicals in cosmetic and personal care products with the action of ditching the things that are bad for us can do wonders for your health, like it did mine. But primarily, knowledge of the chemicals to look out for is imperative.
Ethanolamines: Although Ethanolamines are cleaning agents found in facial cleansers, while they do remove oiliness and dirt, it is not good for your body. This chemical, which is also found in cleaning products, affects the central nervous system, the liver, and heart because of its toxicity and yet it is considered safe.
All of these internal organs are connected to the thyroid and your hormones. Do you want your personal care products to have the same ingredients as your laundry detergent? I don’t think so! So many products scarily have this chemical: hair care products like shampoo, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, blush, makeup bases, foundations, fragrances, hair dyes, shaving products and even sunscreen. You need to beware and buy from safe companies so that you can take care of your body.
Formaldehyde: Knowing that Formaldehyde is a carcinogen, which has been linked to causing Cancer, that is just not enough to go on. It is also linked to the sinking of thyroid function. Formaldehyde completely tears apart our thyroid’s relationship with our hormones. It disrupts the thyroid’s hormone synthesis, action, metabolism ejection. Toss any nail polish, nail hardeners, hair straightening solutions, and glue made for your eyelashes to avoid Formaldehyde intake.
Know that sometimes this ingredient is not listed and is concealing itself behind other names. This might take a little extra digging, but it is absolutely necessary. What is scary is that formaldehyde is actually a gas. What is fearful about it is its colorless, so it is invisible. That is how you don’t see it in your products, but it exists and it is inhaled through the products above that you could be using.
So, the next time you want any hair treatment like a Brazilian Blowout, a manicure/pedicure, or even if you like a certain lotion, you can inhale trace amounts of formaldehyde. The skin irritation, scalp burns, and hair loss as possible side effects are not worth it. Salon workers began to have health issues like nose bleeds, irritation of their eyes, and unusual breathing patterns. You won’t see formaldehyde as an ingredient; you need to look for formalin in order to ensure your safety.
“Fragrances”: When you are trying to choose your next salon visit, make sure that they are being safe and avoiding chemicals and carcinogens in so called fragrances. The term Fragrance has become raincloud that the real chemicals downpour on you. Certain chemicals that are listed under fragrance are: benzene, petroleum, phthalates, and styrene. What these chemicals do is they intrude your system and pretend to be like other hormones, but what they really do is cause thyroid problems instead of acting as healthy hormones. This is not a conspiracy; now you know the truth.

Hair Dye:

Buyer beware! Hair Dye is made up of a lot of scary ingredients that you need to keep an eye out for especially because it digs deep into your scalp.
Ethothalomines, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, toluene, DMDM Hydantoin, parabens, lead acetate, resorcinol, and p-phenylenediamine are the chemicals that can wreak havoc in your body.. P-phenylenediamine is what is found in petroleum! Harmful health defects such as: birth defects, pregnancy loss, skin irritation, eye injuries, allergic reactions, multiple forms of Cancer most commonly in the breast, asthma irritation, and endocrine disruptors can occur with the use of unsafe hair dye. Safer products like Hairprint and Radico’s Colors are viable options.
Although it is our planet closest to the sun, Mercury is a chemical compound found in a multitude of eye products and it is extremely harmful to the thyroid. Mercury causes inflammation and body temperature impairment and is a direct cause of Hypothyroidism. This chemical lowers T3 and T4 creating a treacherous hormonal imbalance as Mercury gets released into the bloodstream.
The toxicity in Mercury, even in the smallest of amounts, is a threat to your nervous, digestive, and immune system. Coming into contact with it is so common: breathing, eating, and skin contact just to name a few crucial ways. That solidifies why forms of make up and body care need to be researched for the traces of Mercury they contain. Sometimes Mercury hides behind the name: “thimerosal.” Make sure to avoid Mercury (and thimerosal) at all costs!
Oxybenzone and Octinoxate:
Found in many skincare products such as: sunscreen, body lotion, lip gloss, facial cleansers, and fragrances, Ozybenzone and Octinoxate are compounds that are endocrine disruptors that want to wreak havoc on the thyroid. It is interesting that we use sun tan lotion to avoid serious health issues and yet the ingredients that are in it actually causes consequential internal health impairments like issues with breast development, infant birth rate if you happen to be pregnant, hormonal issues specifically excess of estrogen, and in some cases infertility . Make sure to look out for these ingredients to protect your thyroid from additional endocrine system disruptions.
As a major hormone disruptor, these preservatives used in makeup, hair care products, moisturizers, and shaving products decrease thyroid hormone levels and the maintaining of these hormones are essential to feeling healthy especially if you are having thyroid issues.
Parabens are endocrine disruptors and they are imitating healthy hormones, but lead to changing your hormone levels to their detriment. These can be found in a lot of cosmetics, so best to be guarded and keep up with your research. Parabens, specifically methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben, are supposed to be merely preservatives that fight against bacteria, but because they can decrease hormone levels, searching for these ingredients and avoiding the products that contain them can ward off such an effect.
Talc: A filler used in many cosmetics: foundation, concealer, mascara, lipstick, moisturizing cream, eye shadow, the list goes on and on. We mentioned that the inhalation of some of these chemicals affect the respiratory system and talc is amongst one of them. It is used as a color additive and can have negative impacts on your thyroid through its carcinogenic behavior.
Talc is extremely dangerous. Not only is it found in baby powder, but as women, sometimes we use it for feminine hygiene and it has led to ovarian cancer. Also, talc is a well known traveler. It likes to journey through the vagina, the fallopian tubes, and it makes its home in the ovaries. We want to control sweat and body odor, but we need to put our health first. If you have heard about lawsuits against Johnson and Johnson, this is precisely why they are occurring. Baby powder might keep your skin smooth and dry, yet the inflammation it emits that you inhale through your lungs is directly linked to ovarian cancer. Stay safe and ditch the baby powder!
It takes a Health Detective to decipher what products are good for you and what are not. It takes that extra step: doing research and making the decision to choose your health and purchase products that are going to be great for your health and that means the products that you place onto your skin. It is not easy to accept that not every company is looking out for your well-being, and in fact, most are not. My life has been transformed through my education and research on these topics and the products that I use to make me a healthier, more beautiful me. My hope is that you take action too because you and your body deserve it!


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