My Thyroid Relief

Thyroid problems affect cognitive and emotional functions

Proper thyroid function is essential for good brain function, and thyroid function disorders have been implicated in its effect on cognition. The thyroid gland’s role in brain functions such as memory, affect, and other neuropsychiatric states have long been identified. Thyroid issues can have an impact on cognitive and emotional functions?

Increased thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) or decreased hormone levels (hypothyroidism) affect emotions. Symptoms such as depressed moods, emotional lability, anxiety, and extreme cases of psychosis are linked with the dysfunctional activity of the thyroid glands.

In this article we will think about and evaluate the impact of Thyroid issues on cognitive and emotional functions.

Thyroid and emotional functions: What is the connection?


Anxiety occurs as a normal emotional response to stress. We have all had worrying events in our daily lives, whether anticipating important news, preparing for an exam, or anxiety over our health. All these are in place and show that our nervous system is functional.

Anxiety affects basic activities. It is associated with the following symptoms:

  • Disturbance in sleep pattern or difficulty sleeping
  • Problems with concentration
  • The muscles become tensed
  • sweating
  • tremor
  • difficulty breathing. 
  • There’s fearful anticipation of doom.

Prolonged and excessive anxiety gives rise to anxiety disorders that might require professional management.

Thyroid problems and Anxiety

Thyroid hormones have an essential role in the central nervous system’s functioning. It is needed for biochemical processes such as gene expression, neuronal cell viability, and development. Also, it has been found to play a significant role in modulating neurotransmitter release in the brain.

Hormonal dysregulation of the thyroid gland closely relates to anxiety on several grounds. Hyperthyroidism increases the body’s metabolic rate and presents with features of anxiety such as palpitations, sweating, and tremors. Also, it could confound an anxiety disorder until proper investigations are carried out.

Features of anxiety disorder exist in 30-40% of individuals with hypothyroidism. These features occur with other symptoms such as irritability, poor concentration, and other mood disorders. Individuals not on treatments for their thyroid disease present with features of neuropsychiatric problems, an example of which is anxiety.

As earlier said, symptoms of purely thyroid dysfunction can be mistaken for a neuropsychiatric manifestation such as anxiety. Several studies have shown a relationship between Graves’ disease and panic disorders.

Graves’ disease is a type of hyperthyroidism. In Grave’s, the body produces substances that act against itself, bringing about the effects of hyperthyroidism. They present with increased heart rate, sweating, hot flashes, tremors, and anxiety. A study showed a case report of a thyroid attack misdiagnosed as a panic attack.
Studies have also shown that TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone) levels were higher in individuals with severe panic attacks.

Thyroid problems emotional functions

Thyroid problems: 15 ways to reduce anxiety naturally


Combined with other remedies, regular exercises help burn anxious energy and release chemicals that cause body relaxation. Researchers have revealed that aerobic exercises provide help and relief to those suffering from chronic anxiety.

Exercise creates a positive distraction from stressful conditions, activates brain regions responsible for coping with them, builds resilience, and nourishes your system with essential chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy provides muscle-relaxing benefits in patients with anxiety. It relieves muscle tension and helps to improve blood perfusion to the brain and muscles.

Studies have shown massage therapy to be beneficial in managing anxiety disorders. It has also been found to alleviate anxiety in cancer patients. Therapy could be deep tissue or a bit gentler.


Meditation is the practice of filtering your thoughts in a calm, tranquil, and relaxed state without judgment. Studies from John Hopkins have shown that about 30mins of daily mindfulness meditation helps relieve stress and anxiety. It also helps promote the individual’s physical and emotional well-being and improve the quality of life.

Mindfulness is the most common technique among the many types of meditation. It is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Other types of meditation include Spiritual Meditation, Movement Meditation, and Visualizing Meditation, among many others.

Herbal Therapy

Herbal remedies have proven effective in reducing Stress and Anxiety. These are usually non-toxic plant extracts that regulate and normalize the body’s systems and help respond to stress, fatigue, and anxiety.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an adaptogenic plant used in treating anxiety. Hops (Humulus lupulus) is commonly used in beer production as it has soothing properties, which are helpful for people with anxiety.

Other Herbal Remedies include Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Kava(Piper methysticum), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis), and St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), and Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) among many others.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate herbs and supplements for quality or safety. Ensure to research the product you are buying as well as the manufacturer. It is essential to consult with your doctor before using some of these remedies and know the safe limit beyond which they could cause harm.


Aromatherapy uses essential oils from natural plant extracts to improve an individual’s physical and physiological well-being. These practices have been used and proven effective for thousands of years. Use essential oils such as Lavender, Grapefruit, Bergamot, ylang-ylang, Clary sage, and many others by inhaling directly, adding to a warm bath, or a diffuser. Essential oils travel from the nose to the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for emotional responses.

Aromatherapy has been proven effective in reducing the heart rate and pressure, boosting the mood, relaxing the mind, and improving sleep.

Emotional Freedom Technique

This therapy, also known as EFT tapping, is an alternative approach to improving severe anxiety , stress , fears and other neuropsychological disorders (uncontrolled anger, addictions, eating disorders.etc)
It uses physical touch by tapping particular medium points on the body, while asking the patient to focus on the issue that the person wants to resolve.

EFT tapping also utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy. It offers benefits such as muscle relaxation, improves mood, and reduces anxiety symptoms.

CBD Oils

CBD oil, also known as Cannabidiol, is an extract from the Cannabis Plant that dilutes it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or hemp seed oil. CBD is in various products, food, drinks, and dietary supplements.
It also has a wide range of functions that help improve a person’s emotional and physical well-being.

Ensure Good and Balanced Nutrition

A good and balanced diet relieves stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that chemicals in processed foods, such as colorings, preservatives, etc., may cause some people’s mood changes. To improve one’s physical and psychological well-being, eat a balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. 

Also, organic food like fruits and vegetables reduces anxiety severity. They are grown without pesticides and improve cognitive response to fear and anxiety. Natural foods such as wild fish and the consumption of grass-fed meats and derivatives are encouraged to help enhance natural reactions to stress and anxiety.

Research has revealed that chemicals in processed foods are implicated in mood changes in some people, putting them at a higher risk of developing anxiety. It is best to reduce processed food intake to the bare minimum to improve emotional and psychological well-being and physical well-being.

Also, eliminating caffeine intake has been proven to remarkably improve anxiety and stress symptoms. Research shows that caffeine can cause or worsen anxiety disorders and induce panic attacks in people with panic disorders.

Limit alcohol intake and cigarette smoking

Research has shown that alcohol and cigarette smoking worsens anxiety. People who experience stress and fear try to take the edge off by indulging in alcohol and cigarette smoking. Still, studies have shown that it causes more harm than good. 

Alcohol temporarily reduces anxiety, but in the long run, it disrupts the body’s natural sleep pattern, which helps to be incredibly effective in reducing stress. Studies show that exposure to nicotine by smoking cigarettes at an early age increases the risk of developing anxiety. Limit alcohol and cigarette smoking to the barest minimum to relieve stress and anxiety.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is an Essential oil extracted from the Lavender plant. Lavender oil can be applied directly on the skin, taken orally, and inhaled through aromatherapy. It has healing properties for the skin, prevents wrinkles, and improves hair health.

Its relaxing properties have proven to be very effective in relieving stress and anxiety, primarily through aromatherapy. Lavender oil can also be taken orally as oral capsules, which helps to improve sleep quality, ease anticipatory anxiety, and generally calms the body.

Lemon balm

Lemon Balm is a herbaceous mint plant used in traditional medicine as a sleep aid and digestive tonic. It can be consumed as tea, rubbed on the body as balms and lotions, and taken as a supplement or extract. Lemon Balm oil is also commonly used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and anxiety. 

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are the deliberate process of taking even breaths, which helps regulate breathing patterns and reduce anxiety. During the breathing exercise, quiet counting of numbers, especially when there are anxiety symptoms, also helps to even your breaths.


Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) is a widespread herb used as a Caffeine-free tea. The effects of the herb bring about relaxation. Studies have proven that the long-term use of Chamomile extracts remarkably decreases anxiety disorders and promotes the individual’s overall well-being. 1,500 mg of Chamomile extract daily is recommended by experts in relieving anxiety.

Supplements and Probiotics

The complex interplay of neurotransmitters explains the cause of anxiety. Neurotransmitters abound in the brain, and they serve different roles. Examples of neurotransmitters are Glutamate, GABA, Serotonin, Norepinephrine, etc. 

Neurotransmitters in the brain are excitatory, which cause a firing and activation of neurons, and inhibitory neurotransmitters that balance out the excess excitatory discharge. Imbalance in the activity of these neurotransmitters can result in anxiety disorders. Natural supplements balance neurotransmitters’ actions, thereby improving anxiety disorders.

  • L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea and is beneficial through its calming effects. It is also helpful in the balancing of glutamate and GABA actions in the brain.
  • 5-HTP-containing supplements reduce anxiety symptoms. 5-HTP is a serotonin precursor that mediates optimal nervous system functioning.
  • NAC and green tea, vitamins B6 and D, are essential antioxidants that balance brain neurotransmitters’ activity. They also increase the level of serotonin, thereby improving anxiety symptoms. These supplements also help combat stress by inhibiting the activity of cortisol, a stress hormone.

It is essential to know that some of these supplements might be toxic at higher doses, and you might need to consult your doctor before using them. Studies have shown that probiotics have a proven role in managing depression and anxiety. Gut microorganisms Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 play an essential role by secreting important brain neurotransmitters. They increase neurotransmitters GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) and BDNP (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which are crucial to mood regulation and neuronal development.


Studies have proven that rest is the most effective treatment for stress and anxiety disorders. Rest is the most natural way for the body to adjust and relieve stress. The recommended time of sleep for an adult is about 7-9 hours. During this time, your body can de-stress and revitalize for the next activity. Sleep is vital for the promotion of mental health.

Find Support

If the above-listed natural remedies still don’t reduce your anxiety, it is advisable to get consultations from a professional. In thyroid disorders, it is essential to determine the circulating thyroid hormones T3 and T4 to ensure they are optimal. It is also vital to provide an adequate dose of your thyroid medications.

The Link Between Thyroid problems and cognitive functions: Concentration

Poor concentration, anxiety, and depression tend to space out more often than expected should prompt a medical check with your doctor. Your doctor must do a thyroid function test to assess thyroid hormone levels.

The thyroid gland is an essential hormone-secreting gland in the body. It secretes hormones T4 and T3, which regulates the body’s metabolism and is also very vital in the growth and development of the brain throughout one’s life.

A thyroid hormone deficiency would harm the development and maturation of the brain, both fetal and postnatal leading to neurological impairment and possible mental retardation in adult life. Disorders of the thyroid will affect the body’s functions in so many ways. One of the ways a thyroid disorder presents is the inability to concentrate actively. It is a common hallmark of both hypo- and hyperthyroidism.

Concentration is focusing all your attention on a particular object or person. A person with thyroid Disorders could reflect poor concentration during activities, especially in individuals with hypothyroidism. It is associated with sluggishness and an inability to follow rapidly during conversations. 

It could also be hyperthyroidism, in which the person suffers from insomnia, anxiety, and nervousness. A person will find it difficult to focus on just one activity simultaneously because the metabolic rate is in overdrive.

Do Thyroid problems cause Forgetfulness and Brain Fog?

In hypothyroidism, brain fog and memory lapses are one of the earliest signs. Thyroid hormones play significant roles in the cognitive functions of the brain.

Low secretion of thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland causes a reduction in the effects of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and an impairment of cognitive function. Focusing is difficult, inability to think clearly, and memory impairment. These symptoms are known as Brain Fog and could also mimic the symptoms of mild dementia.

In hypothyroidism, the individual is at risk of forgetting memories and activities done daily because there’s a defect in the brain’s memory function. Forgetting your neighbor’s name, whether to lock your doors, where you dropped your phone or suddenly spacing out could present brain fog and forgetfulness symptoms. If Diagnosed early, it’s very treatable, and the symptoms disappear with time.

Thyroid issues

Thyroid problems: 9 ways to improve your memory if you have hypothyroidism.

The following have proved effective for increasing Cognitive Function, especially if you have hypothyroidism.

Be Active, Exercise Regularly

Regular exercises like a 15mins walk around the block and aerobic exercises help increase blood flow to all body parts, including the brain, which is very important in improving Cognitive Function.

Have a Schedule and Allocate Spaces for your things/objects

Having a Scheduled or Organized lifestyle could be boring. Still, it helps you remember things more than when things are disorganized, and you are more likely to forget things. Limiting distractions and focusing on one thing at a time is also best.

Allocation of objects improves your memory, like having a space to drop your keys, phones, and even indoor footwear.

Keep repeating names and essential details.

Write important things down in a jotter and keep repeating or reciting them. That will help you to retain and improve your memory. Focusing on the information you are trying to maintain makes it more likely for you to recollect it later.

Focus on one activity at a time

Indulging in more than one activity makes you more anxious and more likely to forget things and take and focus on one activity at a time.

Play Memory games and Stay Mentally active

Engaging in Memory games like Crossword Puzzles, Sudoku, and Newspaper or Magazine Puzzles helps task the brain and increase cognitive function.

Rest and Sleep well

Sleep is crucial in the consolidation of memory. A good night’s rest helps to relieve stress and anxiety, thereby reducing the strain on the brain and improving cognitive functions.

Avoid heavy meals and caffeine before bedtime for a night of good sleep, and reduce phone time before bed.

Good and Healthy Diet

A balanced diet containing essential nutrients helps to improve brain function. Consume foods rich in Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vegetables, and Fruits, and also stay away from Alcohol and Caffeine, especially before bedtime. Always drink water to remain Hydrated.

Ensure use of thyroid medications

You must be very strict with your medications and keep appointments with your doctor. Failure to adhere to your meditations could cause severe hypothyroidism and increase the risk of permanent cognitive impairment.

Engage in Social Activities

Socializing regularly and participating in Volunteering helps prevent Depression and Stress, which could contribute to Memory loss.

How does the thyroid affect mood?

Studies have shown that hormones of the thyroid gland can directly affect an individual’s mood, energy, and concentration. A deficiency of thyroid hormones in the brain can lead to neurological and psychological disorders and wild mood swings. 

Both high and low levels of thyroid hormone affect an individual’s mood and energy.

Hyperthyroidism causes anxiety, nervousness, short temperedness, high sensitivity to heat, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, irritable mood, and even lack of appetite. Hypothyroidism causes depression, loss of interest in usual activities, fatigue, mood swings, and loss of concentration.

It is crucial to maintain appropriate levels of thyroid hormones in the body to avoid emotional disorders.

Thyroid issues and emotional functions: depression

Individuals with Thyroid Disorders are at a higher risk of developing depression. Though depression does not cause hypothyroidism, depression is usually a feature of low thyroid hormones.

Sometimes, it is challenging to distinguish hypothyroidism from clinical depression, as the symptoms of both conditions are very similar. It is also possible to have both hypothyroidism and clinical depression. The thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining the energy levels of the body. Reduced energy levels slow down brain functioning and cause depression.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Loss of motivation for activities
  • Loss of appetite, 
  • Difficulty in learning new things
  • Mood swings, 
  • Low libido
  • Sluggishness
  • Weight gain
  • Poor concentration
  • Constipation
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Dry skin
  • Speaking difficultly
  • Irregular menstrual periods.

Suppose a person shows the above symptoms of hypothyroidism or depression. In that case, it is advisable to seek medical help from your doctor. The healthcare provider is in a better position to distinguish between hypothyroidism and clinical depression. 

There should be no fear as thyroid depression is treatable. Early diagnosis is critical in the treatment of thyroid depression. Thyroid hormone blood work assesses blood levels of T4 and T3 (Thyroid Hormones). 

It is also advisable to have a comprehensive check-up to determine if other organs asides from the thyroid are a part of the condition’s causes. Usually, thyroid hormone treatments are combined with antidepressants rather than prescribed alone. Studies have also shown that taking thyroid hormone treatments have increased the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Other options include:

Good Sleep and Rest.

The recommended average sleep time for an adult is 7-9 hours. It is advisable to get this amount to improve psychological conditions.

Balanced Diet
A significant cause of hypothyroidism is nutrient deficiency, especially Iodine. Ensure that you eat a balanced diet rich in Carbohydrates, Proteins, Vegetables, and Fruits. Avoid foods with a lot of processing and drink lots of water to stay hydrated.


Engaging in exercises, predominantly aerobic exercises daily, helps increase blood flow to all body parts, including your brain. Exercising also increases your energy level and keeps your mood up.

Talk therapy

You could also talk to a family member or a close friend about your worries, as that could help you alleviate some of your stress and anxiety. You could also see consultations from a professional therapist if needed.

Online Support Groups

There are very online support communities for people who have been diagnosed and living with hypothyroidism. They offer support and guidance to members and help them understand more about their struggles and even management advice for their symptoms.

Phone Apps

There are some Hypothyroidism phone applications available that help you to track your symptoms and medications.

These apps provide information about the management of your condition. They also help you monitor your diet, symptoms, medications, and even your doctor’s appointment. 

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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