My Thyroid Relief

Thyroid friendly Workout for the Upper Body

Hi, my name is Di Katz Shachar. I am a fitness and health professional with over 15 years of experience and I’m really excited you’re joining me for today’s strength workout.
The condition of an underactive thyroid certainly may make it tough to actually get up and get your strength training in. The thing is studies are suggesting that medium intensity workouts, for patients already undergoing treatment for hypothyroidism, can help increase T3 and T4. You can find out more on
Mid-intensity workouts aim to get your heart rate to 70% of your maximum heart rate and can be done via medium-intensity cardio or a series of weight-lifting exercises.

First of all, you’ll need a pair of dumbbells ideally 5-10 lb or alternatively, you can lift bottles of water or cans of food for today’s upper body session! I’ll be using a 10 pounder and I’m expecting it to be a bit of a struggle so I’ll say this right off the bat – it’s ok to keep going through the workout without the weights if and when it feels too heavy!

Ok, Let’s go over the 8 exercises. We will perform 8 repetitions for each exercise and then go through the circuit 2 more times. Within the circuit, there are no breaks but between circuits, we’ll take a 60-second break. Let’s have a look together at the moves without the weights – please join me for this so that you warm up the joints specifically for today’s workout:

Exercise 1 upright row to shoulder press Exercise 2 bent over row
Exercise 3 biceps scoop and open
Exercise 4 triceps kickback
Exercise 6 bent over fly back
Exercise 7 scaption
Exercise 8 biceps curl and 90 angle shoulder rotation

Let’s take this workout to the beach, shall we?

Caption 1:

The upright row to shoulder press will get into our delts, rotator cuff and work on shoulder mobility.

The bent-over row gets our spinal erectors and our lats so our back strengthen nicely.

Biceps scoop and open not only fire up our biceps and shoulders but also our core.

The triceps kickbacks isolate the triceps nicely.

Caption 2:

The external rotation lateral raise helps to improve posture.

The bent-over fly back is a huge posture exercise as well! Be sure to get it in.

Scaption gets into the front, middle, and a bit of the back deltoid.

The biceps curl and rotation will top off the biceps work and also strengthen our rotator cuff.

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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