My Thyroid Relief

Thyroid Friendly Workout for the Lower Body

Hi, my name is Di Katz Shachar. I am a fitness and health professional with over 15 years of experience and I am excited for today’s workout because we’re going for a leg day! I love leg days! And I’ll explain exactly why – when we work our legs, we fire up major muscle groups like the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and hips abductors and adductors because of the mass of these muscles – legs are major fat burners and metabolism boosters and they really get the blood flowing through the body!
This is particularly beneficial for people with hypothyroidism because symptoms can include weight gain, stiffness, and joint aches. You can find out more on everything you want to know here so there you have it – strong incentives to perform a solid leg day workout!
For today’s workout, you’ll need a set of weights, preferably 10-15 lb but remember it could be two cans of beans or two water bottles. Please make sure they are heavy enough for you to actually feel a burn with perfect form. Let’s go over the 5 exercises before we get started
We will perform 10 repetitions for each exercise without weights to warm up via the first circuit and then go through the circuit 2 more times with weights – we will not be taking any breaks between the exercises but I do ask that you take about a 1-minute break between circuits. Ok let’s check it out:
For today’s workout, you’ll need a set of weights, preferably 10-15 lb but remember it could be two cans of beans or two water bottles. Please make sure they are heavy enough for you to actually feel a burn with perfect form. Let’s go over the 5 exercises before we get started
We will perform 10 repetitions for each exercise without weights to warm up via the first circuit and then go through the circuit 2 more times with weights – we will not be taking any breaks between the exercises but I do ask that you take about a 1-minute break between circuits. Ok let’s check it out:
Exercise 1 weighted squats to lunge back
Exercise 2 weighted sumo pulses with a heel lift
Exercise 3 sliding side to side lunges
Exercise 4 weighted donkey kick
Exercise 5 lying side weighted leg circles
Ok! Let’s do this! I’ll see you at the beach!

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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1 comment

  1. This post about a thyroid-friendly workout for the lower body is super useful! Tailoring exercise routines to support thyroid health is a fantastic approach. I appreciate how you’ve designed the workout to be gentle yet effective, catering specifically to those needing to manage energy levels and hormonal balance carefully. Thanks for sharing these tips—people looking for ways to stay active while supporting their thyroid will find this incredibly beneficial!

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