My Thyroid Relief

Become Your Own Health Detective

Erythritol's Role in Heart Attacks and Strokes

Erythritol’s Role in Heart Attacks and Strokes

Liliana Sierra T. |
I used to love baking desserts and adding artificial sweeteners like erythritol ...

Acid Blockers and their negative impact on Thyroid Health

Liliana Sierra T. |
Acid blockers have become a common daily medication for many people. Still,  th...

Heavy metals detox for optimal function of thyroid function

Liliana Sierra T. |
Heavy metals detox for optimal function of thyroid function Heavy metal toxicity...
hypothyroidism suplements

Hypothyroidism Supplements for Women

Liliana Sierra T. |
In this article we will talk about hypothyroidism supplements. As you know, my l...

Thyroid and Brain Health: Exploring the Connections

Liliana Sierra T. |
One of the first times I truly believed I had a medical condition was when I fel...