My Thyroid Relief

Interview with Helen Mallaburn, a Nutritional Health Coach for Hashimoto Thyroiditis

This interview with Nutritional Health Coach for Hashimoto Thyroiditis who has been dealing with Hashimoto’s for years, Helen Mallaburn is going to feature key aspects of dealing with Hashimotos.

It all started during her second year in the University, she had a lot of things going on, there was pressure, stress, and her immune system could not cope with it. She started noticing the symptoms.

She continued living her life, until she noticed that the symptoms are more intermittent. She had her tests done, and everything seemed fine, the tests showed no problem whatsoever.

Helen just carried on with her life, thinking that everything was all right.Later on, the symptoms came back, even more regular and intense that time. She had migraines, joint and muscle pains, and more symptoms that prevented her from living her life at  100 % potential.

She felt sick for years. In a while Helen got the Comlete Thyroid Panel test and the results were shocking. She had Hashimoto’s disease.Helen took medications, but they were only making her feel worse.

She was struggling to do the simple things like showering, until a friend suggested her to see a nutritional therapist, and it was the best decision she had made. It became the real onset point for healing.To other people, she did not look sick.

Helen looked completely fine, but for the ones sho observe the situation from the outside.

People realized that she is sick only when she recovered her health and the difference became quite noticeable.

Hashimo’s got overlooked all the time because the patient just does not look sick

Helen dealt with the Hashimoto’s and recovered. Now she wants to help people to get through this invisible disease by sharing her experience and giving valuable advice.

How to deal with stress?

Stress is impacting the thyroid. For Helen it was difficult to manage stress since she used to have perfectionist approach to life and it was hard for her to control her temper.

She started meditating, implementing deep breathing techniques, getting out in nature and practicing EFT tapping. These techniques gradually helped her learn how to deal with stress.

How to become a Nutritional Health Coach


Helen changed her career, since she wanted to help others overcome the same health challenges she faced at some point. She took a course in Nutritional Therapy, and after many classes and courses learned and discovered more practically applicable information. When her health condition completely, she decided to make a shift in her life and help other people heal. Helen wanted to see people have these small changes and recover, the way she did.

What are 5 nutritional recommendations for Thyroid patients

  1. Find out what food you are sensitive to: try to find out what food you are sensitive to. If you keep eating the food you react to, it can provoke a leaky gut.
  2. Cut down things that can cause inflammation: minimize the food that causes inflammation as much as possible. In such a way, you will support your immune system a big deal!
  3. Make sure to get enough fat in diet: your hormones rely on your fat intake.
  4. Manage stress: it affects digestive and immune system, and shoots your immune system down.
  5. Be aware of nutrient deficiencies you experience: they very most common in Hashimoto’s. Correct your nutrient deficiencies, get your levels of iodine, magnesium, and other essential nutrients tested.


Frequent Mistakes Hashimoto Patients commit

  1. Not getting the right tests – do NOT rely exclusively on TSH test, since 90% of Hypothyroidism patients have Hashimoto’s.
  2. Assuming that solely medication can fix the illness – find out what keeps the illness going and keep it under control. Look for further supportive therapies.
  3. Not being aware of the fact that diet and lifestyle can make a difference – Hashimoto’s patients have been told by doctors that lifestyle don’t make a difference, a few doctors now are changing their attitudes and are now considering that diet and lifestyle can make a big changes in the overall health picture. Such changes will take time to get manifested but they will be lasting and consistent indeed.


How to keep going

  1. Find resources and real people who provide essential information and advice.
  2. Be surrounded by supportive people.
  3. Research and be committed to figuring out what has caused your problem and work towards optimal health on a daily basis. Big journey consists of million little steps.


If you’re ready to finally get started on getting rid of this invisible illness, feel free to contact Helen Mallaburn or text us in the comments section below.

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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