My Thyroid Relief

Heavy metals detox for optimal function of thyroid function

Heavy metals detox for optimal function of thyroid function

Heavy metal toxicity can affect organs such as the brain, the liver, and the lungs. High levels of heavy metals in the body can also affect the composition of the blood and reduce energy levels. For people who are exposed to heavy metals on a regular basis but only in little amounts, a heavy metal detox may be necessary. Heavy metals can build up in the body and cause life-threatening complications. The goal of this detox is to get rid of any heavy metals that have built up in your body.
It is not uncommon for professionals to recommend chelation therapy to improve a variety of conditions in healthcare. Still, these drugs have serious side effects, which I will discuss in more detail soon.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid And Thyroid Health How Does It Work?

Alpha-lipoic acid is a substance that occurs naturally. It can be found inside every cell, where it aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates and the production of energy for the body’s other organs. It functions as an antioxidant, which means it may help to protect the brain from harm or injury. Alpha-lipoic acid also aids in the prevention of some types of cell damage in the body, as well as the restoration of vitamin levels such as vitamin E and C.

There are several health benefits of alpha-lipoic acid, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Research shows that alpha-lipoic acid is an effective chelator of heavy metals, including lead and mercury. If there are amalgam fillings, however, attention should be exercised because there is a risk of metal redistribution if not handled properly.

As a result, if someone has mercury amalgams, it is wise to take lower doses of alpha-lipoic acid and be recommended to initiate the detox. It’s probably advisable to work with a qualified healthcare expert, such as a dentist, who can remove and replace the old amalgams according to protocol.

Alpha-lipoic acid is possibly effective for high cholesterol levels or other fats (lipids) in the blood (hyperlipidemia). Taking alpha-lipoic acid for up to 4 years seems to lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Some research shows that taking alpha-lipoic acid for 2-48 weeks can slightly reduce body weight in overweight adults.

Food Sources Of Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is made in our bodies, but it is also available in some foods, including asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, red meat, and organ meats.

Thyroid Eye Disease Has Alpha-Lipoic Acid As A Potential Therapeutic Agent

A study published in the newspaper Medicine (Baltimore) showed that alpha-lipoic acid enormously weakened the production of the reactive oxygen species production and decreased proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

The Differences Between Alpha-Lipoic Acid And R-Alpha Lipoic Acid

D Alpha-lipoic acid is made up of a mixture of R lipoic acid, which is a natural component of lipoic acid (the same elements that the body produces). Inside the cells, alpha-lipoic acid is essential for cellular activity and fuel synthesis.


Glutathione is a compound made by the body that protects tissues and cells from damage by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that occur naturally and enter our bodies through toxins in food, air, water, and even medications.

Furthermore, processed foods, food intolerances, and undiagnosed infections expose cells to chronic inflammation that can deplete glutathione.

Left unchecked, free radicals damage cells, destabilize the immune system, and contribute to severe health problems.

The need for supplemental glutathione increases significantly as glutathione levels also decrease with age. When glutathione production declines, you become more susceptible to autoimmune illness.

Glutathione aids in general detoxification functions as a natural chelator for heavy metals and environmental pollutants, and promotes healthy immunological function. Excessive alcohol use, food intolerance, sleep deprivation, and hormone or immunological weakening are all glutathione-depleting stressors that must be removed or alleviated in order to enhance glutathione status.
Vitamin C is vital for maintaining thyroid and body health. Vitamin C can aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, eye disease, prenatal health problems, and even skin wrinkles. This vitamin is required for the biosynthesis of collagen, protein metabolism and functions as an antioxidant to strengthen the immune system to prevent infections, colds, and flu.
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If the body is deficient in vitamin C for a long time, the thyroid gland can secrete excessive amounts of the hormone.
Food Sources of Vitamin C
Vitamin C is abundant in pomegranate, rosehip, kiwi, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi, red & green peppers, kale, pineapples, oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruits.
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Celery And Celery Extract
Celery is a precious vegetable full of organic substances and salts, which significantly contribute to the deacidification of the blood. Its main characteristics are that it kills aberrant bacteria and fungus in the urinary tract, kidneys, intestines, and stomach. In addition to vitamin B12, vitamin B is a complex source that aids in increased concentration and stress relief.
Celery improves lower abdominal blood circulation, allowing heavy metals and harmful chemicals accumulated in the abdominal cavity’s lowest places to enter the bloodstream. In this way, detoxification of the body is more effective. The healing effect of celery works best when consumed raw. I recommend you to buy organic celery. Pesticide residues were identified on almost 95 percent of celery samples, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in their 2021 report.”

The Three Most Important Question About Celery Juice
Anthony Williams, who is the originator of the celery juice diet, wrote a book called Medical Medium Celery Juice. Let’s look at three essential questions about celery juice:
  • How much celery juice should we consume to feel its healing effect?
Half a liter of pure celery juice a day is enough to exert its healing influence.
  • Is it possible to eat celery instead of drinking celery juice?
Because we can only feel celery’s remarkable curative effect on chronic ailments by eliminating the fibrous pulp, we squeeze it instead of eating it whole. Leaving celery paste in it prevents us from benefiting from the unique healing effect of celery juice.
  • Can celery powder be used instead of fresh celery?
    No, celery powder isn’t a replacement for celery juice. It doesn’t have the same anti-inflammatory properties as half a liter of freshly squeezed celery juice. (source: Medical Medium Celery Juice by Anthony William) Celery juice has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, lowers chronic inflammation, and improves hydration, but it is not a replacement for your therapist’s thyroid treatment. Celery juice does not cleanse the body on its own. The human body has a complex detoxification system that includes the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs. Drink celery juice, but also pay attention to a healthy lifestyle.
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Chelation Theraphy
Industrial, agricultural, and sewage pollution all contribute to heavy metal poisoning, which is a widespread health problem. It may also occur due to the use of certain medications or food consumption. Chelation therapy is a medical treatment for people experiencing heavy metal poisoning when the body’s soft tissues absorb toxic amounts of metal.
Chelators are used in chelation therapy. Only in cases of metal poisoning should a doctor administer chelators. These medications have serious side effects and may sometimes bind to traces of metal that are essential in the human body.
Chelation therapy is a chemical process in which a synthetic solution EDTA is injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals from the body. The kidneys filter out the heavy metals and subsequently excrete them through urination. Chelation is the term for this procedure.
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EDTA has the ability to remove both necessary minerals and harmful metals from the body. Vitamins and minerals are added to the EDTA solution to help the body function at its optimum.
“The FDA has licensed calcium disodium EDTA for use in lead poisoning, and it has been the standard treatment for pediatric lead poisoning since the 1950s.” (source: Science Direct) Calcium EDTA’s hazardous effects, on the other hand, necessitate careful monitoring of its administration. The kidney is the most important harmful consequence. Side effects in the treatment of lead poisoning include myalgia, nausea, a febrile reaction with headache, and vomiting. Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a drug approved for use in the treatment of lead poisoning. It’s a chelating agent that binds to heavy metals like lead and mercury, which are then expelled in urine along with the DMSA. It is much more preferred because it does not remove significant amounts of useful metals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium.

What Is Methylation?
Methylation is a biological process that converts hazardous metals to methyl compounds, which are then released through volatilization.
Methylation affects the whole body, it is constantly in operation. Methylation is a critical biochemical process that ensures the proper functioning of practically all of your body’s systems.

How Do Toxins Affect Methylation

When your body experiences stress and your body needs extra help getting rid of those toxins and heavy metals, your liver is already struggling to keep up, leaving you vulnerable to the negative effects of these toxic compoundes.
Methylation is the process by which our bodies convert B-vitamins into SAMe and glutathione, two vital molecules for our health. Methylation has a functional role in conserving our genes. To protect against the harmful effects of stress, Methyl groups help keep our DNA wound up in bundles, called histones. However, when toxic metals enter the body, they prevent DNA from being methylated, making our genes vulnerable. This is called epigenetic modification, which means that toxins and heavy metals can affect our genes beyond our predisposition. (source: Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 266, 2014)

Treatments You Can Do For The Removal Of Toxin And Metals

I decided to become my own Health Detective and began conducting research; I even found a means to obtain an online blood test. I knew my body’s symptoms and the tests that needed to be done. After the test, I found out that I had high levels of different heavy metals, but the highest was Mercury. Since then, I have had quite an experience about using natural products and supplements for detoxing from heavy metals:
  • I ate garlic with every meal and supplemented with a natural Chlorella supplement.
  • I put natural coriander in my meals.
  • I don’t forget to take Vitamin E and vitamin C: lypospheric C (take it separately from your meals because it can increase iron absorption).
  • I take probiotics and enzymes.
  • Lipospheric Glutathione, and R- lipoic acid (after I had my amalgams removed).
  • I stop eating canned tuna that has high levels of mercury. I only eat Alaskan fish.
  • I swapped out my makeup for a more natural look (since heavy metals have been found in lipsticks and other products).
Joseph Mercola is an osteopathic physician whose main goal is to disrupt the existing health paradigm and empower people to take charge of their own health.

  • Diet
Reduce your consumption of processed foods and grains, avoid sugar and milk. Sulfur-containing amino acids help with detoxification when you eat a high-protein diet. Whey protein is a supplement that can be utilized.
  • Beneficial Bacteria Optimal bowel disease is essential for detoxification.
  • Maintain two to three bowel movements per day Taking a freshly ground flax seed several teaspoon a day will help with digestive motility and provide some beneficial vital fatty acids.
  • Unload the connective tissue with Chlorella or ProChitosan The feces erase 90% of the mercury that builds up in our bodies. Chlorella is a single-celled, green freshwater alga that, unlike Protchitosan, contains a lot of protein, chlorophyll, and other nutrients that Protchitosan can use. It’s available in tablet, capsule, powder, and extract form.
  • Start Garlic or MSM
    MSM is a form of sulfur that helps the body remove mercury. You can increase your sulfur supply by consuming garlic regularly. Garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic, but it also includes allicin, which boosts white blood cell production and helps the body fight toxins.
  • Start Cilantro
    The cilantro plant leaves bind to heavy metals removed from the body through our excretory system. It is not surprising because it has potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antifungal, antimicrobial, and significant chelating properties. Cilantro helps mobilize mercury from tissues so DMPS can attach to it and allow it to be excreted from the body. Cilantro, when combined with chlorella (a type of green algae), is an excellent detoxifying agent for the body.
    • Mineral Replacement
      Your body takes a long time to rid itself of hazardous metals when you are lacking in magnesium, sodium, zinc, and other minerals. It is critical to have a mineral foundation that is typically healthy.
    • Hydrochloric Acid
      If your stomach produces insufficient hydrochloric acid, it will be difficult to ionize mineral supplements and absorb them adequately.
    • Monitoring Your Mineral Dosing
      Don’t forget to monitor your mineral levels during the detoxification program at least every 6-12 weeks.
    • Digestion and Gall Bladder Support
      If you do not have good fats to support digestive function, your ability to clear toxins will be impaired. Your diet should contain good fat from unprocessed pure oils:
    • sunflower
    • safflower
    • sesame
    Also, fats naturally found in foods:
    • seeds
    • nuts
    • avocado
    • free-range organic poultry, eggs, or meats
    • Antioxidants
    Take vitamin C and E.
    • Start Monthly DMPS Injections, Suppositories, or Transdermal If you still have amalgam fillings, you should not have DMPS. The injections can be started every month after they have been removed.
    • DMPS Alternative
      Some people are sensitive to DMPS. This is especially true for people who have problems with their nerve systems. In this scenario, a PCA (peptide clathrate agent) spray is one alternative. (source:
      Corianderleaves, in addition to the chorello, garlic, and coriander herbs mentioned above, are also quite good for detoxifying treatment, in my experience. Mercury, cadmium, lead, and aluminum can be mobilized from bones and the central nervous system by coriander. It is most likely the sole active chemical capable of transporting mercury from intracellular cells and nuclei.
If you can, eat healthy vegetables and fruits instead of processed foods and meats. Here are some particularly good foods for a detox treatment:
  • apples and ginger to detoxify the liver
  • lemon to detoxify the digestive system
  • cabbage for healthy kidneys
  • pineapple, which can cleanse the stomach.

It’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water, as this will help flush toxins out of your system. Because some toxins are absorbed naturally, regular consumption of vegetable and fruit juices, which are high in nutrients, can deplete the balance.

Infrared Theraphy

This is a very effective detoxification method, the toxins are excreted from the body through the pores. Toxins are released from the subcutaneous fat layers by infrared heat, which penetrates deeply and is then expelled through sweat.

Infrared Therapy significantly quickens the detoxification process by raising the body’s core temperature, improves the circulation of oxygen-rich blood in the body, and heating the tissues several inches deep, causing cells to vibrate.
According to some specialists, removing anything through the skin might cause acne or rashes. In fact, this invasive, natural, and painless method can provide a vast range of health benefits to thyroid patients without damaging the skin through UV radiation.

Tests That Help To Determine The Presence Of Heavy Metal In The Body

Many heavy metals can be detected in a test sample using heavy metal panel testing. Blood, water, hair, and nails can all be used to collect samples. Environmental toxins linked to a number of chronic illnesses can be determined by testing for the presence of over 100 hazardous non-metal substances. Heavy metals are natural metal elements, also known as toxic metals, as they can be harmful to humans. Examining heavy metals is good for finding the levels of these metals in the body.

Purpose of the Test

A heavy metals panel can help reveal unhealthy exposure, and to determine if you have high levels of one or more toxic metals.

Testing in the context of heavy metal can be done in a variety of ways, including screening, diagnosis, and monitoring:
  • People who are absolutely asymptomatic but believe they are exposed to hazardous metals, such as those who work in a toxic environment or children who play with lead-painted wallpaper on a daily basis, can benefit from screening.
  • The diagnosis can be applied to people who have symptoms. This test may confirm the diagnosis in question and help determine the source of heavy metal exposure.
  • For people who have been diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning and are having treatment, monitoring is part of the follow-up process.

What Is The Objective Of The Test?
Heavy metals can be measured individually or as part of a panel that tests for multiple compounds. The most common heavy metals panel includes testing for :
  • lead
  • mercury
  • arsenic
  • cadmium.
Other metals that could be added include:
  • copper
  • zinc
  • chromium
  • thallium
  • aluminum
  • beryllium
  • cobalt
  • iron
  • bismuth
  • manganese
  • nickel
  • silver
  • selenium
  • silicon
  • platinum


Even small amounts of heavy metals accumulate in our bodies can cause chronic health problems. A conscious diet may help you prevent heavy metal overconsumption and give numerous nutrients that may help counter some of the harmful heavy metals do to the body. Calcium, iron, selenium, vitamin C, and zinc are among them.

Glutathione, a natural chelator, supports general detoxification, but if you want to detox from heavy metals using alternatives that are safer and work more gradually, try Infrared Therapy if you want to get rid of heavy metals through your pores naturally.

Chelators are foods that bind to heavy metals and transport them out of the body; celery, for example, kills aberrant bacteria and fungi; if you want to detox, follow Dr. Mercola’s protocol.

Before you begin detoxifying, it’s a good idea to do a heavy metal test so that an effective therapy may be personalized to a specific heavy metal.


Alternative Medicine Review 2002

Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 266, 2014

Medical Medium Celery Juice by Anthony Williams

Mercury Detoxification Protocol by Dr Joseph Mercola

Lab Test Online



WHO: Lead Oral Chelators

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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