My Thyroid Relief

Thyroid Beginner Series #2 Why is there so much Controversy Surrounding Thyroid Treatment?

Today, we are going to feature Dr. Westins Child’s talk about why thyroid medication is so controversial, and why getting your doctor to “come on board” might be challenging.
Why are so many thyroid patients dissatisfied with their current care?
Is it possible that our current thyroid management method or understanding is flawed?
This question, Dr. Westins Childs believes, may be answered by examining how we approach and manage thyroid disease and comparing it to other approaches to hormone imbalance in the body.
Patients frequently find themselves in a difficult situation: they have been diagnosed with thyroid problems and are having thyroid symptoms despite being on thyroid medication. You might be asking : “How can I be so miserable when my doctor tells me that my thyroid is “normal”?
And that, in a nutshell, is the thyroid debate, which boils down to how doctors see and treat the thyroid gland. Thyroid patients have become frustrated as a result of this approach to thyroid management, prompting them to seek advice on the internet, in forums, and in Facebook groups.
Watch this video to understand how traditional doctors handle thyroid maintenance and treatment.

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