My Thyroid Relief

Cannabis for Dysfunction

Cannabis is a drug or a product from the Cannabis sativa plant. Cannabis for Thyroid, is a remedy or palliative? Cannabis is popularly known as marijuana, weed, and also pot. It is regarded as a psychoactive drug and is known for its effects of calming its users down and controlling their mood. Studies have shown that cannabis has positive and negative impacts on the body.

There are dozens of compounds referred to as cannabinoids that make up cannabis. Of these compounds, there are two significant ingredients of cannabis: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), knowing as medical cannabis.. THC is the major psychoactive compound in cannabis, while CBD helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

Research has shown that cannabidiol (CBD), one of the major components of medical cannabis, can be used as a potent therapeutic agent for managing thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter, and thyroiditis, among others. 

This article will discuss the benefits of CBD oil for thyroid health; various thyroid illnesses, and how to utilize CBD for thyroid dysfunction and adverse effects.

What is the role of medical cannabis in thyroid care?

The thyroid is an endocrine gland located at the base of the neck. It is responsible for the secretion of two major hormones involved in regulating the body’s metabolism. The thyroid is also prone to some dysfunctions, such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, graves diseases, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer, predisposing the body to fatal medical complications. Studies show that about 1 in 200 people have thyroid disorders.

The Endocannabinoid System in the body consists of CB1 and CB2 receptors and other cannabinoid receptors. These receptors can be found in the thyroid, gastrointestinal tract, brain, immune cells, connective tissues, and glands.

Research has shown that the binding of medical cannabis to these receptors helps to regulate thyroid hormone imbalance. Thyroid hormone imbalance is the major factor for thyroid disorders.  The CB1 receptors regulate the release of thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Therefore, the usage of medicinal cannabis can help to relieve the aggressive symptoms of hypo- or hyperthyroidism.

Evidence also shows that cannabinoid receptors can be found within the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus. (PVN). It is a part of the brain that sends signals to the pituitary gland, which releases stimulating hormones that travel in the blood to organs, including the thyroid, gonads, and other organs regulating their function.

Most thyroid disorders are usually caused by an inflammation of the thyroid. CBD is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. Studies suggest that CBD and other cannabinoids can be used to reduce organ and tissue inflammation.

CBD also interacts with other receptors in the body, such as the 5-HT1A receptor, which is associated with serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that contributes to the feeling of well-being. Binding CBD to this receptor improves the healing and balance of the body.

Medical cannabis

Medical cannabis for thyroid dysfunction

Medical cannabis is a known anti-inflammatory agent, the usage of medical cannabis will help greatly to reduce the inflammation of the gland.  The consumption of medical cannabis helps the user to manage pain, inflammation, weight loss, and fatigue, the prominent symptoms of thyroid disorders. 

It is advisable to always contact a medical professional before taking medical cannabis if you are showing these symptoms. Topical products like creams and lotions are more beneficial for problematic areas of the body, like skin problems. CBD oils and capsules are effective for symptoms caused by internal imbalances, such as anxiety and depression.

The use of medical cannabis finds proper application in some of the problems of thyroid disorders, such as:

  • Sleep disorders

If you are looking for natural remedies for treating insomnia, CBD oils have proved very effective in insomnia treatment. CBD helps to induce sleep, regulate the circadian rhythm and our sleep-wake cycle, and improve energy levels and focus.

  • Anxiety

Studies have shown that CBD oils help reduce blood pressure, allowing the user to take deep, even breaths, effectively reducing anxiety. It also helps to improve the body’s physical response to stress. CBD has been proven beneficial in treating several kinds of anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder (SAD), generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  • Hormonal Imbalance

Research has shown evidence of CB1 receptors in the thyroid gland of animal models. These receptors regulate the production of the two major thyroid hormones, T4 and T3. 

The presence of cannabinoid receptors has also been found within the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, a region in the brain that connects the pituitary gland and stimulates the production of TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete T4 and T3 hormones. Intake of medical cannabis helps to regulate the secretion of thyroid hormones. Active studies are still ongoing on CBD’s direct engagement with cannabinoid receptors found in the thyroid gland in humans.

  • Metabolism

Low doses of CBD taken daily helps to stimulate the individuals’ energy levels. CBD is also known to regulate the body’s metabolism through its interaction with the endocannabinoid system.

  • Inflammation

Consumption of medical cannabis can effectively treat inflammation, like thyroiditis, the inflammation of the thyroid gland. It can also be used to treat inflammation in other parts of the body.

  • Digestive disorders

Medical cannabis can relieve people suffering from digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome. Medical cannabis has also been approved as a prescription for Crohn’s disease in some states in the USA.

Medical cannabis for thyroid dysfunctionis is not a cure but is effective in managing the symptoms that come with the conditions. If your symptoms do not improve after using cannabis, or you feel you are becoming dependent on cannabis, you should contact your physician.

The use of medical cannabis is very useful in the sustenance of thyroid health and the overall well-being of the body. CBD oil can support thyroid treatment by helping the body regulate its critical functions. Still, CBD for thyroid conditions is subject to more research. It is advisable to always consult with a doctor before you buy any CBD product for thyroid health, especially if you are on a current thyroid prescription.

What are the benefits of medical cannabis in thyroid health?

Studies have shown that medical cannabis can be used to manage symptoms of thyroid disorders. Due to its properties, medical cannabis provides an alternative option for managing symptoms of medical conditions, including thyroid diseases. According to the American Thyroid Association (ATA), people with thyroid disorders prefer natural remedies to manage their symptoms to complex medications prescribed by their doctors. They also consume medical cannabis to relieve the stress and anxiety of the medications and treatments of the lifelong diagnosis.

The effects of medical cannabis for thyroid dysfunction can be classified into long-term and short-term benefits.

The short-term effects of medical cannabis are usually felt within minutes of consumption, although the duration varies with the amount and method of consumption. The experiences felt short-term include:

  • Relaxation of the body and mind
  • Intense increase in appetite
  • Increase in focus and creativity

Patients with thyroid disorders present symptoms like weight loss, depression, fatigue, and anxiety. Consuming medical cannabis can help to manage the symptoms. The long-term effects of medical cannabis are.

Weight gain The effects of medical cannabis on body weight can be controversial. Studies have revealed that the consumption of medical cannabis stimulates the cannabinoid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract and improves appetite. Medical Cannabis is also a regulatory substance that increases weight in low-weight individuals but not in normal or overweight individuals. For individuals with thyroid disorders like hyperthyroidism experiencing extreme weight loss, prescribing medical cannabis will help stimulate and increase their appetite, making them able to recover the lost weight.

Management of depression Although studies are ongoing on treating depression with medical cannabis, it has proven effective in alleviating depression symptoms, even though it does not fully eliminate depression.

Reducing nausea and vomiting The use of medical cannabis is very effective in minimizing nausea and reducing the need to vomit.

Relieving Fatigue Although, fatigue is one of the most common side effects of excess consumption of medical cannabis. It has proven effective in emerging users and improving their sleep patterns when used in moderate amounts.

Anti-inflammatory CBD also has strong anti-inflammatory properties, which also help to alleviate the underlying cause of pain. Medical cannabis is very effective in reducing inflammation in thyroid disorders like thyroiditis.

Pain relief CBD oils help to relieve episodes of body pain significantly, especially pain felt in the muscles and joints.
Loss of appetite Patients suffering from thyroid disorders including hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and grave’s disease frequently experience loss of appetite and weight. Medical cannabis has proven effective in increasing appetite and making people by stimulating the release of some particular hormones in the brain that trigger sensations of hunger.
Treatments of diseases and ailments Although medical cannabis is not a cure, its use has proven effective in treating epilepsy, seizures, and Dravet Syndrome, among many other medical conditions.

What are the disadvantages of medical cannabis?

Medical Cannabis

As much as the use of medical cannabis has garnered many good points, the disadvantages cannot be overlooked. The following are downsides of medical cannabis:

  • Dosage of medical cannabis

There isn’t an established cannabis dosage for medical conditions, including thyroid disorders. Medical cannabis varies in strength and quality. Some people would react greatly to it, and others would react badly. The dosage will be determined for each patient by their doctors depending on their medical condition.

  • Pregnant women should not take medical cannabis.

The intake of medical cannabis during pregnancy could have adverse effects on the growth and development of the fetus. It is advised that expectant women should stay clear of medical cannabis.

Side-effects of medical cannabis

Individuals react differently to medical cannabis. There are some side effects to the intake of medical cannabis. Some users can be drowsy, sleepy, and tired. In some cases, medical cannabis could worsen some of the symptoms you are trying to alleviate. The user could even experience short-term memory loss.

  • Risk of addiction to Cannabis

Frequent intake of medical cannabis increases the risk of addiction to it. When an individual stops taking it, withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings and irritability might occur.

Risk of abuse

Some individuals could take medical cannabis for uses other than what the prescription states. This is an abuse of the medication.

  • Risk of exposure to infections and other diseases

When medical cannabis is mixed with alcohol and other drugs, there is a very high risk of developing liver problems, heart attacks, lung infections, and other diseases. Smoking medical cannabis shows similar risks to tobacco smoking, which could lead to inflammation and irritation of the airways. Bronchitis is a common infection among people who smoke medical cannabis.

  • Risk of development of mental illness

Individuals taking medical cannabis early in life have a higher risk of developing mental issues such as schizophrenia later in their lifetime.

  • Behavioral change

One of the many side effects of consuming medical cannabis is the event of a change in the individual’s behavior. The user could experience mood swings, hallucinations, and even suicidal thoughts when medical cannabis is consumed in excess.

  • Usage with other prescriptions

Studies reveal that combining medical cannabis with other thyroid medications can alter how the body metabolizes certain medications and could result in the development of medical complications.

How does CBD impact on thyroid medication?

If you are already on thyroid medication, it is advised to be careful about introducing another substance that could interfere with your body systems. Most especially, if there is a “grapefruit warning” on the label of your medication, it is best to avoid CBD. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), consuming grapefruit while one of these medications can lead to a higher concentration of the medication in the bloodstream and can cause adverse side effects or even an overdose.

CBD and some thyroid medications compete for metabolism in the body; they are involved in the cytochrome P450 pathways for metabolism. Ongoing studies are still on concerning the relationship between thyroid medications and CBD. However, evidence shows that the same group of enzymes, the CYP540 family of enzymes, act on both CBD and levothyroxine, a very popular thyroid medication. Consumption of both medications simultaneously can be counterproductive and a risk to the liver and possibly other organs in the body.

Some side effects are experienced when CBD is taken with thyroid medications simultaneously or within a close period; however, this might not be the same for everybody as people react to medications differently. There are reports from patients that they experience nausea and anxiety whenever they consume CBD and their thyroid medication within a close period. But if they space the medications by a few hours, they do not experience the side effects most of the time. The dosage and frequency of the medications should also be considered as they differ for most people.

CBD is also considered an all-natural medication, free of processed chemicals, so intake cannot pose an adverse threat to the user. However, it is not a regulated substance, as the FDA classifies it as a dietary supplement. Inevitably there will be different concentrations because there is no available standard formulation.

Before consuming cannabis/CBD, you must consult with a medical professional who can appropriately guide you on the right dosage and the best method of consumption to prevent any side effects or the development of medical complications later on in life. Your physician would be able to create an effective plan that works for you to combine CBD with your thyroid medications, including those with the grapefruit warning.

There might be some required blood tests that would be conducted before the prescription.

How can medical cannabis be consumed?

Medical Cannabis

There are so many ways in which medical cannabis can be consumed. Medical cannabis can be processed into edibles, oils, and topical solutions. Each form of consumption is beneficial, depending on the reason for the usage.

  • As Pills or Capsules

This form is also known as Canna Caps. It is the most popular form of consuming medical cannabis. It is very suitable for people that have respiratory issues. It also has a definite dose making it easy for consumption to be monitored. It can be used to treat a variety of ailments when combined with other ingredients, such as melatonin for sleep or B12 vitamins.

  • Smoking

There are various forms of smoking, such as joints, blunts, bowls, bongs, and many others. Smoking is not advisable for consuming medical cannabis as it predisposes the user to pulmonary infections and lung cancer.

  • Edibles

This refers to the infusion of medical cannabis with food items such as cookies, candies, chocolates, and other snacks.

  • Oils

Cannabis oils have low concentrations of THC and high concentrations of CBD, which is why they are commonly referred to as CBD OILS. Due to the low content of THC, the major psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD oil does not make you high but is rather effective in relieving pain, nausea, anxiety, and sleep problems. It is usually used in the treatment of a variety of medical conditions and ailments.

  • Topical creams

This form is very effective in pain management. It does not have psychoactive effects but is very potent in relieving muscle aches without any side effects to the medication.

  • THC Bath soaks

Reports have shown that THC Bath Soaks are very effective for muscle pain therapy. Using THC soak in a warm bath has a very relaxing effect on sore and strained muscles.

Is Medical Cannabis Legal?

Cannabis remains illegal for recreational and medical purposes in a large part of the world. The recreational use of cannabis was first legalized in Uruguay in 2013. In Canada, cannabis was legalized for recreational use in October 2018 under the Cannabis Act.

However, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, medical cannabis is allowed in at least 30 US states with a valid prescription. In Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado, patients over 21 may purchase medical marijuana.

What are the Benefits of Medical Cannabis?

The medical use of cannabis is known as Medical Cannabis or Medical Marijuana. Medical Cannabis is a natural remedy mostly used to relieve pain. Although it cannot completely alleviate the intense pain, it still helps the user to bear the pain.

There are some medical conditions and diseases that have been approved for using medical cannabis as a medication.

  • Epilepsy

Epidyolex is usually prescribed for children and adults with epilepsy. It can also be prescribed for patients with rare forms of epilepsy, such as Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

Epidyolex is a highly purified liquid with high concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD). It does not induce the feeling of highness because it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a component in cannabis that can cause “highness.”

  • Cancer

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy are usually prescribed nabilone. Nabilone helps the patients relieve chemotherapy symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Nabilone is also called the “man-made form of cannabis” because it is developed similarly to THC, the compound in cannabis that makes you high.

  • Sclerosis

For patients with multiple sclerosis, nabiximols are usually prescribed when their symptoms have not improved with other treatments. Nabiximol is an oromucosal spray that contains a standard amount of THC, CBD, and some other cannabinoids that have analgesic properties. 

  • Long-term chronic pain.

Patients suffering from long-term pain are prescribed medical cannabis to help relieve and manage their pain.

Other conditions that may require medical cannabis are seizures, inflammation, nausea, mood and sleep problems, and loss of appetite.

Although medical cannabis is an all-natural alternative to regular over-the-counter prescriptions, it is not always the best option and can have very adverse side effects. So, before using medical cannabis for any treatment, it is best to consult a physician for insights on how to use it as a medication. 

Use of Medical Cannabis in Palliative Care

The World Health Organization defines palliative care “as an approach that improves the quality of life and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering using early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, physiological and spiritual.” 

Some of the important factors of palliative care are managing pain and physical symptoms and improving the quality of end of life, among others. The last days of a person’s life could be combined with immense pain, discomfort, and emotional distress. Medical cannabis has been considered a palliative care treatment because it helps relieve the patient of the pain experienced in their last days, relax their mind and reduce anxiety which will help them to accept the inevitable more calmly and peacefully.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most used cannabinoid medication in palliative care because of its psychoactive effects on the user. Cannabidiol (CBD) is also used in small amounts because it has little or no psychoactive effect. Medical cannabis also helps to relieve nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and depression the patients might be experiencing. It also helps to stimulate appetite.

However, there are some side effects that the patient is liable to experiences, such as psychiatric disturbances, dizziness, irritability, speech disorders, and impaired memory.

Medical cannabis has been approved as a palliative care medication in some states in the USA and countries, especially for cancer patients. Although some physicians still prefer to stick to managing the patients’ health by symptom control.


Medical cannabis has been proven effective in treating symptoms of many medical conditions like thyroid disorders. It can be used in different forms, including pills, edibles, oils, and so many others, depending on its efficiency and the reason for the prescriptions.                                                                                  Medical cannabis is not a cure for thyroid disorders. Although medical cannabis has many benefits and advantages, it can also harm the user. Medical cannabis must be taken in moderation under the supervision of a medical practitioner. 

With minimal data to guide cannabis use for thyroid disorders, doctors must remember to treat the patient, not the ailment. Given the wide range of thyroid problems, doctors must collaborate with patients to provide patient-centered therapy. Despite how easy it may seem, this process frequently calls for endurance and a willingness to try different things to determine the best administration technique and dosage. 



The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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