My Thyroid Relief

Bioidentical Hormones and Anti-Aging Views

As a woman grows older, the normal physiologic phase of menopause begins. During this phase, hormonal imbalance sets in.
And when this happens, most of the hormones and tissues necessary for conception and maintaining youthful vitality decline. Usually, all these come with several symptoms like depression, irritability, hot flashes, and insomnia.
According to research, these symptoms can have a negative impact on your quality of life and can present in a variety of ways, including decreased energy, decreased libido, brain fog, mental tiredness, and so on.
Despite how terrible these symptoms are, there is a treatment proven to help reverse the effects of aging. This treatment is called Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

What Does Bioidentical Hormones Even Mean?

Bio-identical hormones are hormone substances made from plants such as soy and yams.

These hormones match the exact molecular function and structure of the real human hormones and that’s why the body is able to recognize them and use them effectively. They can also bind to the same receptors as their human counterparts.


The body metabolizes bioidentical hormones the same way it does actual human hormones. Also, they cause the same physiologic reactions. Bioidenticals can thus provide crucial support to the tissues, organs, and body cells.


These hormones can as well be made in such a way that it fits the dosage requirements of each individual. With mass-produced pharmaceutical synthetics, this isn’t always possible.
Doctors often use “bioidentical hormone” and “body identical hormone” interchangeably. How did these names come about?
People use the words “bioidentical” and ” body identical” because these hormones have a similar structure and function to the natural hormones in your body. Look at it from this perspective…
Under normal function, your body secretes hormones like testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and thyroid hormone.
Sadly, some medical disorders such as hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism, etc. lead your body to produce less of these hormones than it would if you were otherwise healthy. Also, aging is one of the biggest factors that cause low hormone production.
Therefore, in a bid to treat these disorders, doctors came up with a straightforward treatment strategy: they recreate these same hormones that your body naturally produces and put them in capsules and other forms like creams, gel, pellets, and troches. This way, when you take them, they replenish deficient hormones. How cool is that?
Under normal function, your body secretes hormones like testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, and thyroid hormone.
Sadly, some medical disorders such as hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism, etc. lead your body to produce less of these hormones than it would if you were otherwise healthy. Also, aging is one of the biggest factors that cause low hormone production.
Therefore, in a bid to treat these disorders, doctors came up with a straightforward treatment strategy: they recreate these same hormones that your body naturally produces and put them in capsules and other forms like creams, gel, pellets, and troches. This way, when you take them, they replenish deficient hormones. How cool is that?
Bioidentical hormones

Bioidentical vs. Non-bioidentical Hormone

You see, for many years, NON-BIOIDENTICAL estrogen and progestin drugs were the main hormones used in hormone management and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) among postmenopausal women.
However, unlike bioidentical hormones, NON-BIOIDENTICAL drugs are not similar in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally within your body. As such, they can’t cause the sort of result that bioidentical hormones would normally provide. And this is what makes them so scary.
Is there proof?

The result of the Women’s Health Initiative trial held in the year 2002 shows the disadvantages of using non-bioidentical drugs for hormone replacement therapy. They increase the risk of heart attack and can cause breast cancer in women of postmenopausal age.
But this isn’t the real bad news. The bad news is that most pharmaceutical companies promote non-bioidentical hormones rather than bioidentical ones. They do this because they make more profit from their synthetic hormones than they do from bioidentical ones. This is especially so since bioidentical hormones are seen as biological chemicals. And as such, pharmaceutical corporations cannot trademark them.

Testing Hormone Levels

Do you know that your hormones must be at a certain level for you to be in peak health? Naturally, you will get symptomatic if your hormones go below this ideal level. Similarly, if they climb too high above this ideal zone, you may have symptoms as well.
There are different sorts of tests that your doctor might use to discover your hormone imbalance issue. Doctors often conduct these tests before and during hormone replacement treatment. During treatment, doctors may do these tests to help evaluate how you’re responding to treatment and find out if there is a need to adjust the dose.
Also, your signs and symptoms provide strong clues to your doctor. Therefore, beyond tests, how you feel is also likely to point him on the correct path. So, even before your doctor conducts these hormone tests, you must describe your symptoms to him. Your doctor will make his final diagnosis based on both your test results and your symptoms.
Ideally, you should do these tests every 3 months once your treatment starts. However, when your hormones become balanced, change the pattern to once every six months.
testing hormone levels

1.) Serum or Blood Testing

One of the most prevalent methods for determining hormone levels is through a blood test. Many doctors successfully detect the levels of testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, and thyroid hormones with this test.
This approach has been used regularly for decades, and its reference ranges are well-established. Plus, serum testing is a regular procedure that can be performed at any blood draw site.
On the flip side, during blood testing, needles are used to draw blood. This is not as easy as with saliva testing. Also, hormone levels fluctuate so much throughout the day, and blood testing only provides a single point of evaluation. As a result, reference values are typically wide.
As much as blood tests can measure the level of estradiol, Progesterone, testosterone, estrone, and DHEA, its ability to detect non-pregnancy levels of estriol in women who use transdermal preparations is poor. As such, testing the blood levels of estriol is not recommended.
Also, apart from testosterone, these tests often measure the total quantities (free and bound) of hormones being examined. Meanwhile, compared to testing for free hormones, total hormone tests are less relevant clinically than free hormone levels. Finally, with this testing, blood hormone metabolite testing is not accessible.

2.) Saliva Testing

Saliva testing mainly involves the use of saliva. This simple method of collection that can even be done at home is used to determine bioavailable hormone levels. 

However, with this testing method, It’s important to think about the problems of accuracy and testing variability. Hormone levels in saliva often differ based on the flow rate of saliva, timing of hormone therapy, time of taking the test, tooth brushing and eating habits, and gum disease.

In addition, salivary assays for hormone metabolites are not available.

3.) FSH (Follicle-stimulating Hormone) Testing

FSH is a hormone released by your pituitary gland to strengthen your ovaries. FSH aids in regulating the menstrual cycle in women and increases the production of eggs in the ovaries. Women’s FSH levels often fluctuate during their menstrual cycle, with the highest levels occurring right before the ovary releases an egg.
Checking your FSH can help you figure out how your brain and ovaries communicate. This test is helpful for determining the cause of irregular or non-existent menstrual cycles. It also confirms that menopause, or perimenopause, has begun.

4.) Urine Testing

The only way to see how the body metabolizes hormones is through urine hormone testing. The approach of urine testing gives you a 24-hour snapshot of your hormone levels.
It is immune to frequent variations since it records both the increase and decrease that happen throughout the day.
The three primary estrogens (i.e estradiol, estrone, and estriol, as well as progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and pregnenolone,) can all be measured with a 24-hour urine test.
Unlike the other two types of testing, urine tests are able to determine the availability of metabolites like 2- and 16-hydroxy estrone. In fact, Urine testing is a great way to get a picture of a person’s hormone metabolism that isn’t visible in blood or saliva.
That said, some patients find urine testing to be inconvenient. On top of that, 24-hour urine panels can be costlier than other types of testing. It may detect high hormone levels despite low blood levels of hormones transported by sex hormone-binding globulin, such as testosterone.
When the level of SHBG levels in the blood reduces, testosterone is not well conserved. This then causes the free form of this hormone to be excreted in excess by the kidney, resulting in high levels despite low SHBG levels in the blood.

5.) Dried Urine Testing

This is a type of urine test that involves soaking a filter card in a urine sample. Many people prefer this method because urine cards are exceptionally stable for storage and transport once dry. Apart from that, this procedure removes the need for bottle urine collection.

6.) Ultrasound

Your doctor may order an ultrasound if he suspects that a specific gland is affected. The pituitary gland, uterus, testicles, ovaries, and thyroid can all be tested this way.
Plus, your doctor may need additional imaging options, including an X-ray or an MRI and other forms of testing to provide a more accurate diagnosis. But this depends on the results of your previous examinations.

Hormones Replacement and its Anti-Aging Benefits

Studies reveal that hormone levels in women fluctuate for 3-5 years before menopause, then fall to permanently low levels following menopause.
Hot flashes and night sweats are common menopause symptoms that can be debilitating. However, if you do not treat yourself, these symptoms and other health conditions caused by low hormones become chronic.
Estrogen, for example, affects bone metabolism. Therefore low estrogen raises the risk of osteoporosis in women. This is a very risky condition that causes your bones to degenerate. Some chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer can also easily spring up as you age.
Thankfully, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy comes to the rescue and reverses the effects of these health issues. This treatment can also help prevent chronic illnesses from happening at all.
Another instance where bioidentical hormone replacement is beneficial is when the patient takes T3 treatment that leads to suppressed TSH.
A suppressed TSH is a TSH level that is so low it’s undetectable during a TSH test. A suppressed TSH can lead to a higher risk of osteoporosis. However, bioidentical hormone therapy that administers hormones in the right dosage will help balance things out.
Hormonal Inbalance

BHRT can help improve the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Muscle loss
  • Anxiety
  • Hot flashes
  • Insomnia
  • Night sweats
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Diabetes,
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoporosis
  • Autoimmune diseases.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of BHRT is its Anti-aging effects. Do you know that Estrogen plays several critical roles in maintaining the health of your skin?

In fact, your skin thins down, dehydrates, and loses firmness and suppleness when estrogen levels drop.
As a result, wrinkles will develop at a faster rate. According to a review published in the Dermatology Online Journal in January 2019, because bioidentical hormone therapy can promote skin moisture and reduce skin atrophy, it can help relieve symptoms of dry, itchy, thin, and fragile skin.
Generally, bioidentical hormone therapy can help you delay the fast changes that come with aging.
Estrogen replacement therapy has been shown in studies to enhance skin thickness by 30%, collagen production by nearly 7%, and help prevent wrinkles.
Also, estrogen is a hormone that helps to regulate metabolism and body weight. Your body begins to accumulate extra fat if you don’t get enough estrogen, especially around your midsection.
You may also discover that losing weight is more difficult. Therefore, another benefit of BHRT is that you can defeat excessive weight gain and live with a healthy body. Andropause, also known as ‘male menopause is a result of aging and hormonal changes in men.
Although males do not go through the same dramatic hormonal changes as women, they still suffer hormonal changes. As men age, their testosterone levels typically decrease. Beginning around 30-40, men’s testosterone levels start to fall at a rate of roughly 1% every year.
Unfortunately, with this decrease comes symptoms like depression, weight gain, low sex drive, low muscle mass, and a host of others. But BHRT is not meant for women alone. Bioidentical hormone therapy can alleviate all of the symptoms of low testosterone for men.
So, why should you undergo BHRT?
The answer should be pretty obvious by now. BHRT is beneficial for treating persons whose hormone levels have dropped or become imbalanced.
Its primary goal is to alleviate the symptoms of aging, menopause, and perimenopause, and can prevent a variety of other ailments. If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, or menopause, this therapy is your surest bet!
Bioidentical hormones have been known to minimize the risks of conditions such as breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. For example, patients who take bioidentical progesterone have a lower risk of developing some of the prevalent illnesses and chronic disorders that come with aging.
Breast and uterine cancer, as well as osteoporosis, stroke, ovarian cysts, and fibrocystic illness, will be better protected in women when they start their bioidentical treatment.
You’ll also notice additional perks and enhancements when your BHRT starts working properly. Your wrinkled skin will become healthier, your hair loss can be reversed and you will also enjoy more energy.
That’s not all, by taking a BHRT treatment, you stand to benefit from a better sense of well-being, and you will finally be able to overcome your mental fog.

Cons of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

BHRT may cause specific mild side effects, particularly at first, as the body adjusts to the new hormones. These side effects include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Acne
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain.
  • There may be spotting after menopause, even while balancing your hormones with the right dose of estrogen and progesterone.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been linked to an increased risk of conditions like stroke, heart disease, blood clots, breast cancer, and gallbladder disease. However, BHRT and HRT are not the same.
The non-identical imitators ( HRT) help to alleviate some of the symptoms of hormone deficiency, but they don’t restore hormone balance in a way that your body understands.
Big research done by the Women’s Health Initiative found that the hazards of treatment with these synthetic hormones ( including blood clots, breast cancer, and heart attacks) outweighed any potential benefit.
Therefore, despite the fact that bio-identical hormones (BHRT) have not been proved to carry the same hazards as synthetic hormones, people believed BHRT also gives similar side effects.
Thankfully a more recent study countered concerns regarding a possible link between testosterone replacement and heart attacks, indicating that optimum testosterone levels actually protect men from heart disease.
BHRT is an ideal treatment that doesn’t come with any serious side effects except when taken wrongly. Also, BHRT can be delivered in various ways. These hormones come in patches, pills, lozenges, creams, injections, and pellets (implanted beneath the skin surface).
The most preferable of these delivery methods are transdermal, sublingual, and pellet methods.
Transdermal creams are easy to apply and they tend to absorb into the system better. Likewise, sublingual hormone forms do not go through the liver. They go straight to the blood. As such they function fast.
Unfortunately, with this decrease comes symptoms like depression, weight gain, low sex drive, low muscle mass, and a host of others. But BHRT is not meant for women alone. Bioidentical hormone therapy can alleviate all of the symptoms of low testosterone for men.
With this method, you won’t have to worry about changing patches, applying lotions, or remembering to take your medication.
You won’t get the same spikes and declines in blood levels as you would with other approaches. Pellet implants deliver much more when the body requires it, such as during activity or stressful times.

BHRT Delivery Methods

  • BHRT Patches
Transdermal patches are a common way to administer bioidentical hormones. During delivery, the doctor attaches a sticker on your neck, leg, or arm, just as is done during other patch-based treatments. You can use this patch delivery to take hormones including progesterone and estrogen.
hen taken, the hormones in patches enter your bloodstream immediately and are absorbed swiftly. However, with this delivery method, it’s crucial to stay out of direct sunlight and tanning beds.
  • BHRT Pills and Tablets
Oral BHRT is taken through the mouth from Which the drug goes to the liver. Oral estrogen often has negative effects on the body. Breast soreness and swelling, vaginal discharge, headaches, and nausea are some of the symptoms you may have to face when you take estrogen in tablet form.
Also, oral estrogen has also been linked to liver damage. Therefore, this delivery method is not recommended. It is much better to use estrogen in cream, gels, or pellets(with close supervision).
  • BHRT Gels and Creams

Like patches, BHRT creams and gels are applied to the skin and absorbed through the bloodstream. Many patients prefer gels and creams since they are used to the application procedure. They are easy to apply and they work well.

  • BHRT Pellets
Injected pellets are perhaps the most effective and risk-free BHRT treatment option. During the delivery, a pellet implant is implanted under your skin after a short injection.
One thing that stands out about this treatment is that, unlike other forms of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, pellets are planted in a doctor’s office. Pellets let the body control how the hormones are released.
It’ll increase the levels when the body needs more and reduce it when it needs less. This method also bypasses the gastrointestinal tract and liver, releasing testosterone or estradiol straight into the bloodstream.
Also, in terms of sexual function, metabolism, mood and cognitive function, vaginal problems, bone density, lipid profiles, hormones ratios, and breast health, pellets have consistently been shown to be more successful than oral, injectable, or topical treatments.
Once implanted, the pellet progressively releases hormones and it can continue like this Throughout the day. The average pellet lasts four to six months. Most people prefer this delivery method because it does not require a daily dose.
Note that with this method, there is no room for carelessness or patient application error and has the risk of getting higher amounts of the hormone than necessary.
  • BHRT Injections
An injection is a common way of administering bioidentical hormones. It has a more direct and immediate effect than when the hormone is delivered through skin absorption. The hormones are injected directly into the muscle for effective distribution throughout the body, and injections are frequently given in the upper thigh or buttocks. However, this method tends to be a bit painful.
  • BHRT Vaginal Ring
A vaginal ring is a small, flexible ring put into the vagina and held inside for three months at a time, steadily releasing estrogen. Women are often unaware of the ring and are able to have sexual relations without their partners knowing.
This method of delivery helps to treat vaginal discomfort and dryness. Vaginal estrogen creams and a vaginal estrogen tablet are two other methods of vaginal estrogen treatments.
  • BHRT Nasal spray
A nasal spray is a hormone delivery method that involves spraying into the nose. This method could be the answer for women who are having difficulty with standard treatments.
A single spray into each nostril provides the bloodstream with a steady amount of hormones (usually estrogen) for up to 24 hours.
A nasal spray is a handy, easy-to-use once-daily hormone replacement therapy method that provides women with effective alleviation of acute menopausal symptoms while reducing the negative effects that other hormone replacement drugs can cause.
  • Sublingual Drops
With sublingual Drops, the patient will insert a specially produced pill beneath the tongue and hold it there while it dissolves. The membranes beneath the tongue enable quick drug absorption without the risk of stomach acid and liver damage. Twice a day, a sublingual dose is administered. It escapes the liver and dissolves in around 2 to 3 minutes.

Protocol of Treatment with Bioidentical Hormone

What is the protocol for treating aging with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy? When commencing bioidentical hormone treatment, it’s best to start with a low dose, preferably a very low dose, and see whether your symptoms go away.
If the symptoms of hormonal deficit persist, then it’s fine to reevaluate and augment the hormone that appears to be insufficient in tiny doses.
In an ideal world, your doctor would make that decision based on both subjective and objective pointers, with subjectivity taking precedence.
In other words, your test result can be very helpful. However, your symptoms are more important since they reflect more accurately what is going on in your body.
Therefore, a good bioidentical treatment protocol should lay a solid foundation and then allow you to build on it slowly and steadily until you’re in great health.
Treatments normally begin with gonadotropins (fertility hormones administered by an injection containing FSH or combined with luteinizing hormone (LH), followed by sex hormones like Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone to keep everything moving.
To further reinforce the whole anti-aging treatment, your doctor can introduce the third division of components. This includes DHEA, Pregnenolone, thyroid hormones, and Melatonin.
Finally, to top it up, the fourth division which includes the human Growth Hormone and other hormones that boost pleasure and create a more youthful appearance is introduced.
Remember that treating anti-aging doesn’t just start and end with BHRT alone. It is a blend of various ideal health practices including a healthy diet, removal of toxins from your environment, exercising, vitamins and minerals intake, and an overall healthy lifestyle. When all these are in place, your BHRT treatment protocol will be complete and effective.

Types of Bioidentical Hormones

Hormones are substances produced in the body and transported through fluids to stimulate specific tissues or organs.
When hormones decline and bioidentical hormones are used instead, they must replicate the exact molecular structure of naturally produced hormones. In this section, we explain the various types of Bioidentical hormones:
1.) Progesterone
Progesterone has been nicknamed the “feel good” hormone and its primary function is to regulate a female’s menstrual cycle and the early stage of pregnancy.
Plus, do you know that progesterone is a natural antidepressant, anxiety reducer, and sleep aid? Progesterone hormone supplement is typically administered to women who produce too much estrogen compared to their progesterone levels.
When taken alone or in combination with estrogen, progesterone reduces the activating effects of estrogen on coronary arteries and may enhance bone mineral density.
So what advantages does this hormone give?
Well, there are various advantages to having adequate progesterone levels. One is that it improves the skin and reverses aging both directly and indirectly.
Progesterone aids blood glucose regulation by improving sleep, increasing libido, acting as a diuretic, lowering blood pressure, and improving the insulin-glucose balance.
When you’re trying to take a bioidentical form of progesterone, make sure the active ingredient in the medicine is Progesterone USP.
This is the only way you can be sure you’re getting bioidentical progesterone. USP represents United States Pharmacopeia. Also, note that Prometrium is the only prescription medication that contains bioidentical progesterone but isn’t made by a compounding pharmacy. It is available in both pill and cream form.
When taken through the skin, progesterone absorbs quickly and goes into the capillary blood. As a result, when applying progesterone creams, it’s better to apply it in areas with thin skin, such as the neck, face, breast, chest, and inner arms.
Progesterone should be applied directly to the breasts of women with fibrocystic breasts to help diminish and eliminate fibrocystic breasts. That said, many people usually mistake “progestins” for progesterone. A progestin is a synthetic hormone that mimics the actions of progesterone. It is, however, not a bioidentical hormone. Some practitioners don’t distinguish between progestin and progesterone, which has led to a lot of misunderstandings.
One difference between these two is that progestins inhibit pregnancy, whereas progesterone is used to aid fertility. Also, because progestins are foreign to a woman’s physiology, they can have negative consequences for her brain, blood vessels, skin, heart, and breasts.
1. Estrogens
Women have two main sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen is in charge of female physical characteristics, pregnancy and reproduction.
Estrogen is present in men as well but in lesser concentrations. To explain this hormone further, Estrogens refer to a group of hormones that activate a group of proteins found inside the cells.
This group of proteins is what is called estrogen receptors. Their principal function is to support the growth process of the reproductive organ.
Bio-identical estrogens come in a variety of dose forms. They can also be compounded to meet the dosage needs of an individual. There are three main types of estrogen hormones and include Estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3).
Though these hormones are normally produced in fairly constant proportions in the human body, It is not always essential that they be supplemented in any specific ratio during bioidentical hormone therapy.
Whether the blend of E3 and E2 is in a ratio of 50/50, 80/20, or 90/10, the most crucial thing is that the estrogen compounded are the right ones for you.
The most recommended form to get the estrogen is by cream, gel, or suppository form. It’s also simple to use, it absorbs well, and its doses are simple to adjust and it is the safest one to make. There is also the hormone pellet that needs to be monitored carefully. There are estrogen combinations called TriEst and BiEst.
TriEst refers to the mix of all three estrogens. However, this combination is not often used because Estrone poses health risks. Therefore it is not recommended for use. The BiEst formulas, on the other hand, contain a mix of estriol (E3) and estradiol (E2) and can be used by women with hormone imbalance, menopause, and hysterectomy. Are you wondering what the three estrogens mean? Here’s a breakdown.
a. Estradiol (E2)
This is the most common type of estrogen in women of childbearing age. It is also the most potent estrogen premenopausal. How do estradiol supplements help during menopause?
This hormone is known to improve symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating at night, and face aging. In fact, the hormone is known as the “Pretty” hormone. Why? It makes people look young and attractive. It thickens hair, keeps skin young, and keeps the heart-healthy.
However, too much estradiol is what usually causes estrogen dominance in both women and men. When estrogen dominance happens, it means the level of estradiol produced is higher than the testosterone and progesterone the body is producing.
Meanwhile, estradiol is a fat-storing hormone, and fat produces estradiol, which produces fat, and vice versa. So if you find that you’re unable to lose weight, this could be the reason behind it.
b. Estriol (E3)
Estriol, commonly known as oestriol or E3, is a female hormone responsible for maintaining a woman’s Vaginal health. It improves vaginal dryness while also thickening the vaginal membrane.
A lack of E3 causes the epithelial lining of the vaginal and urethral linings to become thin. This will result in painful intercourse, infections in the urinary tract, and urinary incontinence, especially when coughing or sneezing.
E3 has been demonstrated to have anti-cancer properties, unlike E1 and E2 that have been linked to cancer. It was discovered that women with breast cancer had lower estriol excretion in their urine (E3).
Meanwhile, women without breast cancer had comparatively higher estriol (E3) levels than women with breast cancer.

c. Estrone (E1)

Estrone (also known as oestrone) is an estrogen similar to estradiol and estriol. Estrone, unlike the other two, is secreted by the ovaries, the adrenal glands, and adipose tissue. 

Also, this estrogen is a weaker variant, and it’s more typically detected in postmenopausal women.

Estrone can occasionally function as a storehouse for estrogens, and the body can change it to estrogen when needed. This is because its potency is lower than the other estrogens. 

This hormone is not recommended for bioidentical hormone replacement because it has been linked to cancer.

2. Testosterone This is a hormone that has estrogen-like actions on the skin. And no, testosterone is not for men alone. Women can benefit from optimal testosterone levels as it helps produce skin that is firmer, tighter, and healthier looking.

 However, they may experience loss of sex drive, thin and dry skin, vagina inflammation, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, belly fat, and increased body mass. Also, the increased muscular tone from testosterone can help to compensate for the loss of subcutaneous fat.

Testosterone also helps restore a youthful glow by boosting oil production, which is commonly reduced in dry, thin, dull, aging skin. Testosterone is most known for its ability to increase libido.

There is no desire for sexual engagement in men or women who do not have enough testosterone. Testosterone shortage, which grows more frequently as people become older, is connected to a variety of medical issues, including lower libido.

One of these is Metabolic Syndrome, which includes conditions that raise the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Also, people with metabolic syndrome are more likely to have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, generally known as a fatty liver.

 Is characterized by obesity, reduction in HDL cholesterol (which is the good kind of cholesterol), high triglycerides (fats in the blood), high blood sugar, and high blood pressure.

But how best can women take testosterone bioidentical hormone? Women can take testosterone in two methods that are both safe and effective: as a topical cream or as an injection. 

The vast majority of women can absorb a significant amount of testosterone through their skin and achieve optimal outcomes. Some women prefer testosterone injections over oral testosterone. 

It’s entirely up to you which you prefer. Testosterone steroids can come in gels, injectable solutions, patches, pills, and pellets implanted under the skin.

Meanwhile, here’s the range of testosterone for both men and women. For those in need of testosterone supplements, it is only available with a prescription. 

Also, it’s a good idea to start with a modest dose of the hormone and gradually raise it until you get the right personal response. Because everyone is different, finding one’s own dose is essential.

 Start with 1 mg per day applied to the chest, wrists, inner thighs, neck, or arms for ladies. Men’s dosages are typically substantially greater, ranging between 20 mg and 100 mg per day.

Thyroid Hormones Thyroid hormones like T3 and T4 are hormones that govern the function of the thyroid and can have significant effects on your metabolism, weight, and general health. 

All thyroid hormone prescriptions— Synthroid, Levothyroxine, Cytomel, and liothyronine, are bioidentical. Therefore, if you’re using any of these, you can be sure you’re using a bioidentical thyroid hormone. 

These drugs are available in capsules, tablets, or just recently a liquid form Tirosint-Sol with an active ingredient of Thyroxine(T4) and inactive ingredients, water, and glycerin.

This is a safe medicine for people who have allergies to inactive ingredients and don’t want to get their medicine compounded. This is a better choice than the other thyroid medicines available in the market that contain at least 9 different inactive ingredients.

 Usually, when the body is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone, the result is hypothyroidism. This illness can result from several issues, including congenital disease, pituitary disorder, pregnancy, and iodine deficiency.

Another popular disease that triggers this condition is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The fact about hypothyroidism is that its symptoms are very similar to symptoms of low hormone levels. 

For example, symptoms like disturbed sleep, weight gain, poor memory, and fatigue are identical to hypothyroidism and menopause. Besides, hypothyroidism can lead to hormone imbalance and cause your sex hormones to malfunction dramatically. 

There’s also a strong connection between your thyroid hormone and your sex hormones.

Therefore, when trying to get your thyroid hormone in balance, it is wise to also pay attention to other hormones like estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and even DHEA. 

In other words, you need to figure out if there is any other hormone imbalance issue. Usually, there is. But if you’re lucky and this is not the case, you should ideally start treatment with a compounded T3 medicine of slow release. Nope! No one is asking you to do it alone.

Do it under the supervision of a holistic doctor who will adjust the dose gradually until you’re at the right spot! Most traditional doctors are not familiar with treating hormonal imbalances the right way.

 So your best shot at achieving good health again is most likely a holistic doctor. Apart from your hormones, they’ll likely pay attention to your adrenal gland, your cortisol levels, and other organs that have direct or indirect relation to the thyroid. 

On top of that, they’ll also look at your vitamins and minerals to see whether there are any deficiencies! All these little things could be causing the discomfort you’re feeling.

But while conventional doctors wave them off, holistic doctors go the extra mile to examine everything! Don’t they deserve a thumbs up?

4. Pregnenolone and DHEA Hormones. Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that helps create other hormones like progesterone, DHEA, and estrogens. The question is, why would anyone need to take this hormone? 

Many people take this hormone as a supplement to help keep their memories fresh as they age. This hormone also helps with a lot of age-related issues like menopausal symptoms and depression.

It makes sense now, doesn’t it? Meanwhile, DHEA, (a.k.a Dehydroepiandrosterone,) is one of the hormones that your body naturally produces. 

This hormone is secreted by the liver and the adrenal glands close to the kidneys. The job of DHEA is to support the production of male and female sex hormones in the body. 

DHEA aids in the production of other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. The body levels of DHEA naturally peak in early adulthood and then gradually decline as you become older. 

DHEA supplements are available and are synthesized from compounds found in soy and wild yam. Anyway, this hormone helps with varying issues such as sexual dysfunction, lupus, depression, adrenal insufficiency, cervical cancer, vaginal atrophy, and weight loss.

According to certain studies, artificially increasing DHEA levels can increase bone density, especially in aging women. Taking DHEA tablets to sustain DHEA levels could theoretically reduce the aging process.

 It can also enhance well-being, cognitive performance, and body composition. Taking DHEA supplements could help elderly people’s skin moisture and firmness, as well as reduce age spots.

Both DHEA and Pregnenolone can be taken in sublingual tablets. This will help bypass the liver and go straight to the bloodstream. The use of this supplement may raise testosterone levels and have a steroid impact.

 DHEA has also been linked to an increased risk of hormone-sensitive malignancies, such as prostate, breast, and ovarian cancers. DHEA should not be used if you have cancer or are at risk of cancer.

 Also, If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid using DHEA. Also, If you have excessive cholesterol or a condition that impairs the heart’s blood supply, you should avoid using DHEA. 

In patients with mood disorders, DHEA may exacerbate psychiatric conditions and raise the likelihood of mania.

My Personal Experience with Bioidentical Hormones

At a point in my life, I was very disappointed about how I looked. found out my skin was losing its elasticity and my cheeks began to look more hollow. 

Eventually, I realized that the food I was consuming (microwave popcorn, french fries, etc) was one of the things causing my problems. So I began researching.

The first step I took was to eliminate any food that causes me inflammation, and added vitamins and supplements to increase the nutrients and minerals needed to support my hormonal treatments and also I started looking into my emotional wellbeing with alternative therapies like the emotional freedom technique.

 This technique is an alternative way of treating emotional and physical stress. With this technique, I was able to focus on the solutions instead of simply focusing on my problems.

Next, I defined my goal. My goal was not just to look attractive again, but also to feel good inside out. So, following an extensive investigation, I discovered a number of things causing my old appearance. It includes nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and a hectic, stressful lifestyle.

Knowing these, I started consuming organic food grass-fed and wild seafood. I also discovered the health benefits of omega 3 for good skin, hair, and heart. 

I became an organic food enthusiast and was following a restricted diet. Then I started seeing remarkable results in how I looked.

However, when I entered the perimenopause stage, I stopped seeing the results that I had after I made my healthy changes. This was because my hormones were decreasing and causing me to age. This taught me that restoring youthfulness and regaining vitality doesn’t end with eating well and exercising.

Fortunately, I was able to locate a physician who specializes in holistic medicine and bioidentical hormones. My path to wellness began with thyroid therapy and a hormone restoration and balanced approach.

My doctor also requested all of the necessary blood tests to determine my thyroid and hormone levels, including the sex hormones (estrone, estradiol, estriol, progesterone), DHEA, testosterone, and pregnenolone, as well as a complete blood count (CBC) that included cholesterol, glucose, liver, and kidney function, insulin and leptin sensitivity, glycated hemoglobin (A1C), sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), cortisol, ferritin, vitamin B-12, selenium, zinc, magnesium, Coq10, adrenals, Iodine, and other health markers.

Finally, I was tested for dietary sensitivities as well as heavy metals. When I received my test results, my doctor began a thorough plan of action to correct all of my health issues and symptoms. 

That’s when I began using cream and gel hormones for estradiol/estriol, progesterone, and testosterone on a daily basis in small amounts until I found the correct dose for my body.

After some time, my bioidentical hormone doses were gradually changed in response to my symptoms. I felt wonderful after a few months, had more energy, and was happier than I had been before I started replacing my hormones!

Another significant finding that improved my health was learning about the advantages of intermittent fasting and intermittent exercising. These modifications helped me boost my growth hormone, lessen my insulin resistance, and reduce my cortisol levels.

As a result, I began to lose weight, mainly around my stomach, and I began to appear younger in comparison to other ladies my age. My wrinkles began to fade, my skin became softer, and my hair became fuller and shinier.

When using a bioidentical hormone protocol, you must adhere to a number of requirements, including eating an organic diet rich in whole foods, including green vegetables that aid in the processing of estrogens, taking a number of vitamins and supplements, and following an exercise regimen that will mitigate any risks.

Also, I began taking creatine powder to help me build more muscle throughout my workouts. I also began taking collagen powder and grass-fed whey protein to aid with my skin’s suppleness. 

Now, I can report that my hormones are balanced and I have a new zest for life. To maintain my healthy state, every six months, I have blood tests to monitor my hormone levels and other health markers, and I undergo sonograms once a year to check my reproductive areas.

How do you Balance your Hormones?

While hormonal imbalances can be a result of aging and stress, this imbalance can also result from various disorders. For example, iodine deficiency, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, underactive thyroid, and overactive thyroid can cause your hormones to fluctuate. 

Whatever the case, hormonal Imbalance has a specific management process; Hormone replacement medications.

So how do you know when your hormones are not balanced? As you age, it is best to attend regular medical checkups. But even with that, along with hormone imbalances, comes numerous symptoms. These symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Thinning hair
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints
  • Increased or decreased heart rate
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hot flashes
  • Insomnia

What’s the Difference Between Birth Control Pills and Bioidentical Hormones?

First of all, Bioidentical Hormones and birth control pills aren’t the same. Ideally, bioidentical hormones shouldn’t be administered to prevent conception. 

Likewise, the pills aren’t used to balance hormones. That said, there’s a great big irony in how conventional doctors prescribe birth control pills. 

Doctors believe that administering birth control pills containing Fake synthetic and harmful hormones that seem like estrogen and progesterone to women of all ages is the right thing to do.

Meanwhile, as a side effect, these birth control tablets contain such strong amounts of synthetic hormones that they entirely shut down the body’s ability to create its own estrogen and progesterone. 

Despite this, these doctors still choose not to administer bioidentical progesterone to menopausal women with low progesterone and estrogen levels.

 And this is on the erroneous basis that Bioidentical hormones are harmful in perimenopausal and menopausal women but are ok to prescribe synthetic hormones to young women.

Are Bioidentical Hormones Safe?

One of the major worries concerning bioidentical hormones is whether or not they are safe. Unfortunately, doctors, particularly those who aren’t well-versed in the subject, will try to convince you that bioidentical hormones aren’t safe or haven’t been demonstrated to be safe. 

To make matters worse, it so happens that many of these synthetically manufactured hormones and drugs do cause health issues. But is this the case with bioidentical hormones? no, it is not. 

Here’s a study in which patients reported that HRTs containing progesterone are more effective than those containing synthetic progestin.

Taking excessively high amounts of bioidentical hormones can lead to complications. It’s always advisable to start low and slow for optimal safety. 

This is the best way to avoid dosing errors. Simply start with a lower-than-necessary dose and gradually increase it over time.

This is why you need an experienced doctor to keep an eye on you during the treatment process. Note that bioidentical hormone replacement therapy will be so much more effective when you engage in other healthy practices.

For example, you need to have a good diet plan and exercise well. You also need to take in minerals, vitamins, and other supplements that you’re deficient in. 

Finally, it is important that you do regular checkups (every six months) once you start taking your BHRT treatment.

In Conclusion

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that look like the hormones the body produces. These hormones help treat low hormone production, which is a common sign of menopause and aging.
They reverse the effects of aging on the skin and general health. Plus, compared to synthetic non-bioidentical hormones, they are much safer to use.
Bioidentical hormones are life-saving because they can prevent serious diseases including breast cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and heart disease.
Also once you begin your bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as a woman, you will be better protected against breast and uterine cancer, as well as ovarian cysts, and fibrocystic sickness.
Alongside all these benefits, you will experience some good physical changes in your skin and overall you’ll look youthful.
Before your bioidentical hormone treatment, you may need to undergo various tests like blood tests, urine tests, FSH tests, ultrasound, and others.
After this, your doctor can prescribe the hormones you need for you. Usually, aging women require hormones such as Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormone, DHEA, and other hormones.
Finally, understand that most doctors do not specialize in hormone replacement or treatment. Much of conventional medicine concentrates on treating chronic medical illnesses like diabetes, asthma, etc. while paying little attention to managing lifestyle issues like energy, libido, etc.
Therefore, If you believe you have a hormone imbalance, you should seek out doctors specializing in anti-aging medicine or integrative medicine, as these doctors are more likely to be trained in hormone replacement therapy.



The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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