My Thyroid Relief

Berries Ice Cream with Whey Protein

Preparation of Healthy Ice-cream

Fresh berries are synonymous with summer. Ice cream is also associated with summer. Berries with ice cream make for a delicious and refreshing summer dessert. It progresses from Berry Ice Cream to Very Berry Ice Cream when we go all out with our berry mixture.
Strawberry Mango

Berries Ice Cream with Whey Protein

  • Yogourt
  • Macadamia Milk
  • Vanilla Whey Protein
  • Frozen mango
  • Frozen strawberries
1. ) Put the Yogourt, Frozen strawberries and mango, whey protein, macadamia milk, in a blender, Turn on to high speed until form a smooth cream. 2.) Transfer to a mold and put it in the freezer for several hours or until the next day.
Note: I use organic ingredients as much as possible. This way, I can get beneficial nutrients and avoid harmful pesticides, hormones, and chemicals that affect our thyroid and health in general.
Strawberry Mango
The e-cookbook with tasty and nutrient-packed thyroid-friendly recipes that are low in calories is going to be released in our store very soon.

The content on, such as text, videos, graphics or images, and other materials, are for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and nutritional advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used as a substitute for medical consultation. The knowledge provided in this blog comes from the author's own experiences and research. Consult your doctor before making any decisions about your medical care.

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